I realised CBD is an interesting area. I walked by Amoy street, n that stretch, and there are really alot of things to eat! Its really an eye opener for me. Not only its interesting, its confusing. Lucky I pulled Xuhao along. If not, I will really feel LOST.
While waiting for the interview, I entertained myself with the usual photo taking, as im kinda fascinated that CBD is actually not as 'Business-ly' and 'formal-ly' as I thought it would be.
The glass door at the end is the office of my interview place.
The other end.
Ends with a picture of ME.
10:21 PM
Im suppose to feel tired after working for 1 whole day, but Im not. Maybe its the 100plus (theory from celes). I should feel tired after absorbing so much, but apparently, Im not. Im feeling rather clear minded. Too much to ponder on...to reflect on....
At many times, I wish I have got interesting things to share, but nothing interesting happens to me and I think its not even worth bringing it up. It might bore pple to sleep.或许.....
A random note: I found 4 scratches at my hind left leg. UNKNOWN SCRATCHES.
Blogger's note: This post wasnt meant to be UNDERSTANDABLE.