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Friday, May 29, 2009

人的蜕变不是一瞬间就能察觉的,是需要一段时间的流逝才会发现到。翻阅相簿能看见岁月的痕迹,阅读日记 a.k.a blog post 能看见成长的过程与文笔的变化。

我翻读自己的 archives。天啊!我看了都好想笑!我的 xmm 用词也太多了吧....那可证明我曾经也是个 xmm。那里也记载着很多微小的事件,跟着时间一点一点地被淡忘。真庆幸我都把它记下来了。

我从2004 年翻到2009年,我的文笔慢慢地在改变。从 ‘报告’ 式到 ‘心路旅程’ 式,从‘长篇大论’式到 ‘简洁’ 式,它一直慢慢地改变。这也仿佛证明我在成长,在蜕变的事实。

也许再过3年我回头看这些 posts,我还是会觉得我又变了。因为人都需要更求上进,不停地 ‘改变’。

2:25 PM

Im never an absolute person, that is why I can never give a definite answer, even if sometimes, Im sure of it.

Which is why I always use "I think" to open a sentence or end my sentence.
Thats what I discovered when im browsing through my blog while working. Haha!

Based on my own understanding for MYSELF, using "I think" makes me slightly comfortable than using positive term. At least its my own opinion and if anything I said is not factual, but well...its still MY opinion. And since its MY opinion, it can be subjective. But as a Libra, i often try to give objective opinions, I think... Haha!

Now do you see it?

12:09 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Anyway, 那本小說還滿好讀的,故事場景拉到了倫敦。故事女主角去倫敦,但她不像平常的旅客,抓緊時間去參觀旅遊勝地,因為她到倫敦的目的不是旅遊,所以可以隨心所欲地到處走走。

如果換成是我,我也想在異鄉好好地嘗試充當‘當地人’,而不是旅客的角色。去融入他們的日常生活,而不是趕緊觀看各個旅遊勝地。I think it somehow defeats the purpose of travelling, isnt it? 

3:04 PM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

我现在有 - 很想买鞋的欲望!!

*Random PS: Im no longer a P-plater.

3:45 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009

我最近很喜欢看 “天才冲冲冲”!!!

11:48 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009


I guess its a little bit of both.

5:41 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009

I think, sometimes, it is important to look back.
Look back on why you started doing something.
Look back into the reasons that made you do this.
Look back at the joy it brought you when you were doing it.
Look back....look back...and there...you found back the reasons, you found back the motivation, and lastly, you found back the joy.
And these will make you carry on...

11:21 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009

I think I pushed a lizard to suicide last night.
Last night, I went to the bathroom getting ready to bathe, and as I was about to hang my clothes, a sudden movement nearby shocked me.
A BIG lizard scampered out of the window upon realising my presence. The thing is, the window pane is slanted outwards. So, it will be in mid air after climbing out of the window pane. I think it might have skydived 8 storey high.
I really didnt mean to frighten it. It gave me equal shock too.

8:30 PM
Friday, May 8, 2009

Im really happy these few days. Let me tell you why.

1) I got a new aircon!!! Though the cleaning up and everything is terrible. I love sleeping in aircon room. Its just...SO NICE~
2) My exams' OVER! O-V-E-R! I really like the studying time outside. It makes me feel......useful..
3) Im realy LOVE my dashboard widgets!!! I install all sorts of useful little things! Useful yet entertaining.
4) I can now start watching shows that I've put aside.
5) I love the aircon! Did I mention it before? No? I love my aircon!!! Muahaha!

8:58 PM