Thursday, May 28, 2009

Anyway, 那本小說還滿好讀的,故事場景拉到了倫敦。故事女主角去倫敦,但她不像平常的旅客,抓緊時間去參觀旅遊勝地,因為她到倫敦的目的不是旅遊,所以可以隨心所欲地到處走走。
如果換成是我,我也想在異鄉好好地嘗試充當‘當地人’,而不是旅客的角色。去融入他們的日常生活,而不是趕緊觀看各個旅遊勝地。I think it somehow defeats the purpose of travelling, isnt it?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Im really happy these few days. Let me tell you why.
1) I got a new aircon!!! Though the cleaning up and everything is terrible. I love sleeping in aircon room. Its just...SO NICE~
2) My exams' OVER! O-V-E-R! I really like the studying time outside. It makes me feel......useful..
3) Im realy LOVE my dashboard widgets!!! I install all sorts of useful little things! Useful yet entertaining.
4) I can now start watching shows that I've put aside.
5) I love the aircon! Did I mention it before? No? I love my aircon!!! Muahaha!