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Sunday, March 29, 2009

This Sem's Proj 终于告了一个段落。Boefore Exams coming up, I decided to rest today. Wanted to play maple (yes im bored), but then they were not working. :( My Lvl155 Bishop, and my Billion Dollar 身价...GONE! Since I cant play, I will just go do something - Watch Twilight DVD.

Other than Twilight, I got ALOT of shows pending.
- 珠光宝气
- 我的亿万面包
- 与敌同行
- Weekly dose of 爱就宅一起 & 终极三国 & GG
- Disney movies
- Boys over flowers.

天啊!! 好多!

Other than shows, I still got mangas to finish. All to be done after Exams.

Gosh, I sound like a 宅女. 我不是好不好...

10:13 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009


我希望我也能喜歡觀看 Animal related documentary,認識一下下動物。 可是我不喜歡。剛剛才看了一段狼追小麋鹿的片段,又得知小麋鹿跟它的媽媽失閃了,看了後,真的感到 a tinge of sadness. 就...有一點心被揪了一下的感覺。I know its a food chain cycle, but its still...not nice to see it. OK..i know this also applies to human eating meat, but...aiya~~

A random note: If i got a car, I think i would be the kind of person who will drive out alone and spend some quality time with me myself and alone. Er no, maybe just me, Music and Myself. I somehow enjoyed it. I guess Im really a LONER. Haha.

11:57 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009

Mistakes made during driving test will still be made on the road. I never learn. The part where it nearly made me fail, I did it yesterday. Just because of 1 stupid motorist. I felt so shaken after that, couldnt recover even after a nice hot bath. Grrrrrrr...

Today, I heard Fm 933, they were talking about the new facebook layout. Even facebook internal staffs dont like the layout, but the CEO, disregards all those comments and sent an internal email to the staff and said that as long as he like the layout, that what really matters. Well, thats what I heard from the radio la...if its wrong...then its wrong~ But the point here is...I also dont like that layout, and I dont like self OPINIONATED GUY. 

Just because he THINKS he is right, he can just disregards everyone and do as he pleases. Just because he THINKS he is doing the right thing, he forces other to accept the Assumed truth. I said assumed, cause only he thinks its right, whereas we dont agree. Doesnt agree doesnt mean that we were being stupid or ignorant or bias or whatever its called. 

Why am I saying all these? Ya anyway, I really dont like the layout and opinionated guys. 

9:40 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My back is aching, i couldnt think of a reason why, and it suddenly dawned to me. I slipped on the overhead bridge AGAIN, landed on my butt and hit my back on the steps. Luckily it wasnt like last time, where there were blood, lots of blood. This time, only unseen ache. Damn. I hate the stairs now. Its the 3rd time. Damn.

11:35 PM

We were bored, so  I tried to draw during class last friday. Let me present my 'masterpiece'!

I only did the first toe ( Eyebrow wasnt drawn by me either) I added some red ink on the teeth after that, but I didnt capture it. Haha. Oh...Its not my feet~ I dont draw on my feet anyway. I heard that they got names (I forgot the names) Haha

The only thing I like to draw on my hand is those....wound look-alike. I remembered drawing once...either in JC or Sec sch, I used purple, red n black....to create the look of a-few-days-old deep wound on my elbow, and someone actuallly asked me what happened! Wahahaa! I tried drawing bruises...but failed :(

I cant draw. For nuts. And I Dont understand why people cant draw. Yes..I dont understand why I cant draw. I tried, by picturing the image in my head. But what's drawn out, wasnt the same as what I pictured. Is it because I cant cordinate my hands with my brain or what? I simply cant understand. Is drawing suppose to be something that were inborn or what?

1:06 AM
Thursday, March 12, 2009

YAWN!!! Finally finished that....stupid essay of mine. Reference till I wanna vomit! Puiiiiiii!! 我真的不喜歡~

總算告一段落,但是後面還有兩个 grp proj 和兩个 tut(easy peasy)! 就讓我閒一會兒吧~明天再繼續!

昨天,我聽見 Eugene 的 CA 分數....說真的,我很擔心。究竟問題出在哪裡呢?


11:55 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Recently, a picture dated 10 yrs back was resurfaced on facebook. A primary 6 class photo!! 它掀起了一股骚动。 People start adding each other, and we flooded the page. Yes, FLOOD. Anyone who opened the email will sure swear. Haha!

Im confused over 1 thing. During CNY, when Celes they all come my hse and looked at my past photos, they asked : " Aiyo!! What happen to you?! Why you become like that?!! " Haha! Means I look(ed) cute la! 我知道!

But many others, mainly pri sch friends, who see my present pictures, said: " Eh!! You barely CHANGED?!!"

Now, what is what? Haha~

9:45 PM