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Friday, November 28, 2008

现在呢,我的人生就好比在 [追戏],等待结果。追戏最主要的原因是存在了种种的疑问和不了。等到了结局,不了与迷惑都被一一揭开。有了‘结果’,才会有新的‘开始’。



12:47 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Before its TOTALLY destroyed...... ( its more or less destroyed anyway)

Keep it as a memento~漂亮吧~

A group photo of the trip to Taiwan. 
Mr See Sheng Hui must be feeling elated that we came. Ha Ha.

1:47 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008





12:01 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008

1.5 months of freedom, less than 1 month to release of results ( it will be hell-ish), 9 more days to Taiwan.

5th day from the last paper. What have I done?

I picked up the guitar that was lying in the storeroom. It was filled with dust that stick on the guitar. Luckily its not some mould, That would have looked ugly. So, I started playing. My finger hurts. But I am goin to master the C major chord and the song. :)

I went to K Box~!! Like finally!!

I packed my room! Ah yes, I finally did. And I cleaned out 8 bags. But they are still sitting in my room cuz my mum wanna find things that can be used and recycle. Im thinking of how to do up my room, but that would have cost a bomb and my mum said some things are not 'movable', hence I think it will be quite impossible for my dad to spend the $$ doing my room. :( I just want a 1 seater white couch in my room....where I can sit and think... ...and sleep on it...The thing is, I dont even know where to place the couch if I were to have 1. :(

6:57 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008

While waiting for my hair to dry, let me scribble something here.

I've been rather caught up by a number of things. Mainly revision for the exam. Ya, Im not goin to talk about that anyway.

OTHER things that I've been doing. Read Naruto and Bleach Manga. I dont usually read that, but the story gets so exciting that I couldnt resist. Its now my weekly dose. Same goes to the anime.

Recently, I discovered that I can be rather teary, a better word is 感情丰富. Not cuz of anything bad that happened to me. I suspect its just Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

Just a simple sentence "回来吃咯" from my mum made me teary on the bus 81. Im touched, seriously. The meaning behind those simple 4 words is so...warm...

Not only that, I can even cry reading naruto comic. Oh gosh, and before that I still laughed at Maxi crying when watching the anime...Karma...Karma...

And the last last thing is, I now so hooked with an old Jdrama. 1 Litre of Tears. 一公升的眼泪. The ever first drama that made me cry so hard. Even harder than the Korean Movie about the Grandma and the Grandson. Its like my mum watching 秋天的童话, cry from the start till the end. 1 litre of tears, its really possible. Its really very touching/sad. Im really really hooked on it. The songs are stuck in my head. Gosh! The first thing Im gonna do after my last paper on wednesday is to go to Kino to get the Book! For people that hasnt watched this show, go watch it!! Get ready your tissues.

Enough of my 感情丰富-ness.

Now, to some random posts

I crashed Maxi's lecture today, since the lecture is also some finance related topics, 多听有益无害, Im also studying investment anyway. Its like...3 years since Im in the same lecture as her, I realised this when we are halfway through the lecture. 哈哈. Its like....How time flies.....

That day in Ajisen, I realised how different our conversations were as compared to the past. Though crappiness somehow remained, but, the topics we discussed...like...'Thunderbolt', Financial News, World News etc. I cant recall what we used to talk back then. It really does signifies we are at a different phase of our lives, isnt it?


1:38 AM