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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

今天打越洋電話去台灣頂酒店房,才發現其實我華語真的講得相當差,可以用爛來形容。頻頻口痴,不能完整的說出完整的一句話。突然覺得好差勁喔! 原來,我的華語真的不好。


以上提的那件事是,那天,我幹嘛跟車回 kovan 呢?我應該直接從那裡回家才對,如果我不搭便車,jer & magde 可以搭便車的啊!就不用花錢搭巴士。我到了 kovan 還是得一個人搭巴士啊!我幹嘛湊熱鬧呢?是不甘寂寞嗎?我到底在想些甚麼呢?這件事真的讓我慚愧不已,不管他們有沒有怪我,我還是覺得慚愧。

再更早些,我還不耐煩的 send 了份sms, 只因為我必須一個人等等等。說真的,我不喜歡一個人等一堆人,但是,既然有原因,我應該要諒解才對。是我太只我中心了嗎?還是我純粹不喜歡等人?如果是如此,那原來我天天都在做我不喜歡的事。


10:06 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008

Im now sitting in the office and, have got nothing better to do. I actually read someone's worth 4 months of blog posts. (The person blogged almost everyday) See how bored am I. I was told to wait here for the work. I dont mind that, since the Gm is not coming in today and Im goin to leave early. Suddenly felt so busy (not now), I updated my organiser and I found out that they are almost filled with work and revisions and birthdays and etc...

My random Rantings - It is boring~~ Haha and it will gonna be long (i intend to type till i knock off)

1) My brother lappie was kinda fused out again, and he is now dominating the desktop which happens to be in my room. Now, he behaved more like the owner of the room instead of me. I cant change in my room as and when I like, i gotta use my lappie on my bed and on the floor and in the living room cuz of the wireless 'blindspot' at my study table. I cant use my desktop, i gotta sleep with the lights on cuz he played the com till wee hours, he likes to open my window which i preferred to be shut (not now anymore), he puts his towel in my room now,my aircon suddenly dont feel cold for the first 1 hour, he deprived me of my friday online SHE live radio (video) which I cant access on my baobei mac book, and I seriously dont like it. I didnt know he can be so scary to stay in front of the com and play the same games for more than 10 hours. I didnt feel it when he was in his room. I feel it now. A complete 宅男. Seriously. Nothing more describes it.

Ok la...I admit I dun really like other people to be in my room. Its suppose to be MY ROOM, but some of the things in my room doesnt belonged to me, its just in my room purely for the fact that its my 'privilege' to get a room on my own and Im suppose to store things that cannot be stored elsewhere. I think I had complained about it in my posts before, but I dont care.

I dont like it when people used the things and live it lying at a place where it shldnt be. My room is messy enough already, I dont need more mess. Really. I also think that having another people in the room makes my room more messy. Haha.

I realli hate it when people just opens my door room and on the light when I am sleeping. Cuz my door needs to be closed tightly, so when it opens, it will....hw to say..produce some noise? No, not creaking, just...noise. Do it more discretly can.. For eg, I dont switch on the lights when I go into their rooms at night. I grope in the dark, if not..just use the light source form outside. Keep the disturbance to the minimal.

I hope my mum will buy a mirror and puts in her room. Their room is the emptiest of all, but yet, the walking space is limited. I got no idea why. I always tell her to get a mirror but she will just get irritated for my selfishness. BAH! But having to be stirred away from my dreamland every saturday morning doesnt really makes me happy. If she dont buy, i will buy 1 and give her the one im currently using~If i ever made my way to ikea..

I admit, I just dont like to share my room. Thats all~

Enough of that. Lets move on.
2) I just preordered Jay's CD. Initially I thought it will come out on 9th oct, but Xiahui told me its on the 15th. So I went to preordered the metal casing one, and they gave me a rubik cube. Im really tempted to play the cube but then I dunno how to turn it back. So i gotta curb my temptation and put the cube away. Im never a fan of rubik cube. I can never understand whats the beauty behind it, erm...is there a beauty behind it ANYWAY? I just like to turn randomly and mess it. Anyway, I refuse to listen to any Jay's new songs until I get the album. I dont know why, is that what you call 原则?

3) I just went to JB this tues. I think its my first time there since dunno-how-many-donkey-years-back. I dont remember goin to JB. Saw Wahman on duty at the woodlands 关卡 there. Thats soo qiao. Went to JB to do hair treatment. Spent nearly half a day at the salon, its kinda cool, they got a room esp for hair treatment. Damn nice! They also lent us a laptop in case we are bored. Such personalised service. Great! Ate dinner at citysquare. OMG la! 19.90RM for 1 set meal which includes a drink, a soup, a garlic bread, a dessert, a main course. So full that I nearly puked. Imagine that, can u get so much things in singapore with approx SGD$9?? 讲真的, I doubt so.

4) Its 1140 now and I still got 40 mins before I knock off. I got nothing else to type.....but im quite adamant to type till I knock off. Haha.

5) Ok...My parents are becoming cuter. They took up Cha Cha recently. I saw them dancing some basic steps and I just feel like laughing! Haha! My mum needs more practice. My dad seems better cause he was guiding my mum.

6) Im now starting to think of what will be my future and directions. I know its kinda late, but better than not thinking about it. Friends go into businesses, got their plans and everything, and Im still 原地踏步,毫无进展。My plans are all short term plans, like earning enough to go Taiwan, pass the exams and forget about everything after that. Am I really doing the right thing? Is that really what I want? Actually now, its no longer important. I've chosen the path and I just have to go on. I got no idea what I really want, and what am I pursuing either.

7) Some may not believe, but I somehow 'quitting' mahjong, period. I've lost much and I think its time I sit and relearn everything. How people play and why is it that people can win so easily? I sat down beside Maxi 1 day while they play. I can only say she is heng. Want what get what. I dont see myself with such luck. I suspect im just downright suay. So in the meantime, find other mahjong kars. Give me time to 驱走 my suayness and improve hw to guard people.

OK...its 1215 pm now and I still got no work and i think i gotta stop here cuz Im knocking off in 15 mins time. I have sucessfully blogged a 1150 word essay! This must be my longest post ever, probably the most boring one. If any one shld read this, they probably have dozed off. Haha!

Thanks blogspot for giving me a space to 消磨 my 2 hours away!!

10:37 AM
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ok....this upload thing is getting slow. I just upload 3 of my photos...which can all be found in facebook album. So actually I dunno what's the point of uploading it here. For Beautifying the place i think. Thats all for now...Tata~

9:09 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008

拖了很久,有點懶惰,但是如果我再不 blog, 就會很對不起那些幫我的家人朋友了~


幫我吹氣球的弟弟,老爸和 Qiqi。
幫我畫眼妝的 Maxi。
幫我拍照的 Cher 和 Magde。
幫我切蛋糕的 Celes, Jeremy。
幫我做 pre-preparation 的朋友。


抱歉,upload 時間真的超久的!!下次吧!!我現在好餓喔!

5:17 PM