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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Finally finish the damn WIL proj. Both of them. Dont ever tell me about SWOT, SMART for these 3 months. I think I will only appreciate WIL is during exam period, when I got NO paper on this. Till then, then.

Played MJ just now. I broke Cher's record of losing $39. I lost $40. My worst. More than that, if they nvr top up my chips. I emptied the till TWICE. Really lousy luck. There is nothing wrong with the seats. Cher can get some nice cards sitting there. Its just me. Me and my LIBRARY polo tee. 书=输~~输到惨 somemore. I get nice hands sometimes, but I just cant win. NO! KNS.

If maxi and Jer hasnt been putting water, I will be worse. Seriously~

1:18 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008

Some Random Posts

1. I persuaded my brothers to buy me a DS for my birthday, only to realise they roped in a few cousins to share, perhaps 5 or more? In that case, pls get me a 4 gb memory card. Thanks!

2. I wanted to change my favourite 爱无赦 message ringtone, but I couldnt find anything that makes me as high as listening to 爱无赦. Dont you think this song is high??!! I know its 台, but its high! I also want to change my ringtone. Im too lazy to edit.

3. I've been thinking alot of my birthday thing. It is getting nearer, cant procrastinate anymore. I still need to think about alot of stuffs. I need to buy some stuffs too. I need to think fast, I need to think of what to buy b4 making my way down to get those stuffs.

4. I will have less time to work because I will be overwhelmed by projects that are irritating the hell out of me, or rather, out of us. I foresee spending late nights working on those. More work less sleep and less money. What else can I say?

5. With all these projects to do, I will have to spend less time on MJ. I havent met some of my frens for 2 weeks

6. So will I have time to go down to buy my things before my birthday celebration? My last project ends on 30th Sept.

7. I want to get a Macbook, but my dad refuses to get me 1 even though I volunteered to pay the instalments myself.

8. Hope everything goes well...

9. Bless me!

12:37 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008

The strength in my left arm is getting weaker and weaker, I realised.

Doors at SIM are getting heavier. I swear.

I cant hold the hair dryer in my left hand in an elevated position for long. Seriously.

When swimming, its always my arms that are tired. Not legs.

The muscles on my right arm are bigger than my left.

And Im a Left Hander, a unique left hander. Other than writing, spinning pen and playing pool, I do everything with my right hand. My mum FORCED me when I was young. I wasnt allowed to take chopstick using my left hand. Understandable. But now Im trained to use both left and right hand, see which 1 is free (for eg, when using the mouse, I will switch to my left hand) .

Anyway, I think tts time I get my brother's dusty dumbell out.

1:05 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Received feedback that people cant find me in the 2 clips I've posted. HAHA!! Not surprising though. Shih Jie even tell me she cant find herself. -.-''

Well, if you all are screening for a long hair girl, you are on the WRONG track. My mum forced me to cut my hair when I entered sec sch. She said that was for a fresh start. Ya right....snipped off the hair that I had grown for 8 years!! (from 4 yrs old to 12 yrs old) . Just for a fresh start that made me look so 挫!

After that cut, I havent try cutting my hair short again. Perhaps is bad experience.

Clue for those still wanting to find out how I look in sec 1.
Clue 1: Last row
Clue 2: Short Hair with CENTER PARTING
Clue 3: Im a Soprano.

12:46 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008

I could only blog using phone, no choice but to put a pic so i could blog. Anyway, what i wanna say is... I got a real bad dream last night. An incident that i would not want to happen. The last thing that i will wanna do in my life. It seems so real...too real that i can even remember till now. Perhaps it was on my mind for the past few days. Like it said,日有所思 夜有所梦. I really hope it wont happen. No...it will not happen......

12:17 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today, will be my last day in this cubicle @ NLB. The cubicle is so spacious; big table, more privacy and there are 2 chairs, 1 for sitting and 1 for 'kiao kar'.

Tomorrow, 1 perm staff will be sitting here. :( I will be 'kicked' to the cubicle that is half the size, smaller table, smaller chair (1 chair only, cannot 'kiao kar') , less privacy and most imptly-----its outside the GM cubicle. NO matter how to turn the com, she can see it once she step out of the cubicle. HAIZ. The GM said she will be flying frequently this quarter, I hope she does!! Haha!

Not that I will be eating snake all day long, but then, I just dont like the feeling of having pple behind me, esp MANAGERS. Just leave me alone, I will do my work.

I shall end here, though I got many pieces of thoughts I wanted to pen it down, but, its too 零碎 that I don't know how to start and how to end. And some other thoughts, just keep it inside me. No point saying out everything.

4:36 PM

Mel showed me 2 ANCIENT clips yesterday. And now my head keep ringing these songs. It brings back memories. Nice memories in CCHSM choir. I wonder if ANY of you could spot me.
Enjoy!!! Credit- Wanyi, who posted this online.



12:58 AM
Thursday, August 7, 2008

I had morning lesson today. Didnt follow my dad's car to eunos cuz he needa send my bro to his army camp at I-Dunno-Whr-But-I-Know-Its-Very-Far. So i took Bus 8. SBS shld arrange that NO SINGLE deck buses are to be operating at peak hour. All buses shld be double deck. Packed like sardine. I wont complain if I got a seat and doesnt 耽误我的时间。It took a freaking 1 hr to reach my transistion busstop. ( Normally will take 35 to 45 mins)

I swear I dun wanna take Bus8 in the morning again.

We got bored in lecture. Wanying started drawing.

Tadah!! For pple who find her familiar, you might have seen her in school. If have not, the drawing quite resemble her side view. Do take note! If want a clearer view, Pls go to LT 3.xx ( We hope the drawing is not cleaned off by the sch attendant) For pple who got no clue who she is. Its OK! Will have a private sharing session if interested!

Went to MS for Dark Knight with Shulyn. Its the 2nd time I got 昏昏欲睡的 feeling when watching show. I really slpt on n off. Cant concentrate for a full 15 to half an hour of the show. Not that its not nice. Its just that Im too tired.

After watching show, we walked to Suntec, only to realise she left her bottle in the Cinema. ZZZ. Walked all the way back, but didnt manage to find the bottle. Haha, you know Im complaining~

到时候 '分道扬镳' 了, I walked back to Suntec Convention to take bus home. ( Yes IM complaining!! HAHAHA)
Sat down to wait for the bus. Got bored and started looking everywhr. And suddenly I got attracted to 1 of the hotel room window at Pan Pac (Which was in front of the busstop). I looked at the outline for a LOONG time, thinking I might see the wrong thing cuz its kinda far. Haha! In the end Im right. 2 pple are kissing in front of the huge window. I stared for quite a long time to verify. After that, I saw them taking off the top. ( just the outline la) and then.....

My bus came. HAHA!

In front of the 落地窗!!太厉害了吧~~Maybe Im the only 1 tt notice cuz its at the mid lvl of the hotel where no one will notice. Too bad, 遇到我无心的偷窥!Pple, so next time, please remember to pull the curtain.

Ok, I gottta slp. Hectic day tmr. May god bless me.

12:52 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

终于终于终于,I have completed the damn WIL proj 1. It not like other proj where just find facts and reference. This 1, I gotta search within myself, think about my GOALs, about the skill I have and find facts and reference. And the shitty part is some definitions that they wanted cant even be found online. Tts se-ri-ous-ly SHITTY!! !@$!$#!#%@%^!$%!

Was facing the com for 3 whole days, and i opened more than 5 word docs, 5 tabs in 1 firefox concurrently just for this proj. Cant even listen to songs cuz I will get duper distracted by it. ( Could only listen to classical music where I cant sing!)

I can finally: Listen to songs, browse for the movie timeslot tmr, look through my IKEA Catalogue, and no need to stare at words doc for now. Yes for now. Cuz another WIL proj is coming up REAL FAST.

Anyway, this sem is filled with projs. Rantings will be repeated all over. 请拭目以待吧!

On a HAPPIER and not so happy note, I've just booked tickets to Taiwan! (Yes, this is the happy note) , the not so happy note is...$$$ is depleting~Must go back to work n earn some cash so that I have the money to transfer between my 2 accs. Haha~ Tts my new found hobby. I just love it!!
Aint I unique?

Before I sign off, let me share a PRETTY 无聊 pic. The key word is PRETTY(美丽)!!

12:55 AM