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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Im happy today. Felt so relaxed and dont know for what reason, I felt peaceful. Haha.


Today meeting is possible because I took half day leave, some no sch, some got presentation. In the future, when we graduated and started working, will we have this kinda chance again? Roaming student-free streets, taking our own sweet time to eat lunch, sit n talk, watch a movie, having late weekday nights etc?


12:30 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

从搭36号bus 到 ps, 到搭地铁,再到81号 bus, 我一直努力地压抑我的情绪。It might be a bad job done, 可是我还是忍住了。好辛苦。那种哽在喉咙里,又硬要把它吞回去,真的好辛苦好难受。






9:12 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Quantity and Quality. 应该怎样取舍?现阶段,我觉得两者都很重要。


我现在即缺乏 quality 也缺乏 quantity.


为了这份 $6/HR 的工作,让我睡眠不充足,有时我会问,到底值不值得。如果这份工有 IBM 那时的pay, 我会更满意。


上头丢下来的事,往往是 shit work,可是会出事的, 大多是 shit things.


10:33 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008

Anyone knows whats in these pictures??
Its quite nice to play.
Maxi taught me how to see it a few years back.
For me, I will relax my eyes, let it lose focus and get abit of cross eye. And u will see it!

Try it!!

4:04 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Presenting to you, my workstation.

Looks like I work in a storeroom right?? Boxes, files and trolley.
I barely got space to walk, but because im SLIM, its still manageable~Still got space to move around~
This is not all. Still got ALOT of documents left in the cupboard that i didnt take it out. Think I got no more space to walk if I take them all out.

Gotta 'dump' these boxes elsewhere. But they are freaking heavy.
Super Troublesome.

6:50 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh I forgot to add in my previous entry.

Its time to throw n burn my HMT n ER notes!!!!

Erm, if Chris..if u want it as toilet paper or whatever, feel free to come take it from me!!

10:45 PM

YEAH!! I passed all my mods this sem~ 2 PA n 2 CR.

Considering the fact that I have 20% less than others for PM (Due to the trip to Bangkok), Im satisfied with a mere PA.

The other PA i got was for BF, no complains here as I failed my CA by 0.6 marks. Again, satisfied and feeling a little lucky if I gotta say.

As for HMT & ER, got 60 marks each. A credit. 可以啦~过得去!

Seems that I got very low expectation for myself.
Cant expect much when I got such lousy grades for my CA rite?

Gotta buck up for my next sem. 加油!希颖!!

3:20 PM