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Friday, May 30, 2008

Had a fun day today. Cuz my '最可爱的朋友' is not in Spore!!

Took a half day leave and went Hougang Plaza K Box. Gosh~ How long havent I step into that place~~怀念!Sang some OLDIES. Think might have traumatized Celes a little. Hahaha! I LOVE singing oldies~Should learn more~

Met Magde and we went ECP for dinner @ the HongKong Cafe. N ice cream @ Mac. I concluded that my stomach cant really take cold food during the 1st hour after I woke up, and at night. Experimented and concluded, after nearly 21 years of living. Poor stomach. Lousy.

Oh~ SIM pple, did U read the stupid notice of the sch not continue providing our snacks @ Tea break??!! HORRIBLE!! TOTALLY!! Giving excuse that food cost rise, and in order not to increase our sch fees for the food, they discontinue it.

In that case, y not just make my sch fees cheaper??I dont see anywhr in the notice informing us about a deduction in our fees. I always assume that 1/5 of the fees I paid are for the food.

Lousy excuse. The ONLY proud thing that Im in SIM is that, as compared to other private institutes, our school offers free snacks. Now, they are withdrawing my proudest thing in SIM. HOLY CRAP.

11:17 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008

Today, 26th May 2008, I CAN OFFICIALLY DRIVE ON THE ROAD. I PASSED!! Faster!! Faster!! Congratulate me!! Muahaha~~~

The tester can jolly well failed me if he wanted to. Cause he keep niam-ing me ALL the way. Ok la...I deserved it la. He niam all the way back into the office. The only good thing he said was that I know how to drive, other than that, I thought it was a gone case. Can see he is a lenient tester. Thankfully.

But now, I gotta wait till Sunday before I can touch the steering wheel. Who wants to lend mi there steering wheel b4 Sunday?? HeeHee~

9:12 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008


10:52 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008

On Friday, after driving lesson, I went to Parkway for lunch since I told Kat that I will be in only at 1230. I got approximately 1.5 hrs to shop alone.

Went to collect the photos (Official purpose), after that I went into Cold Storage, thinking of how to spend my $50 voucher. I didnt use the voucher in the end cuz they did not have some of the products I wanted.

Went off for lunch in the food court. Im a person that doesnt enjoy lunching alone. I always thought that its strange for pple to actually enjoy it. If Im alone, I would prefer to buy something simple to eat n walk at the same time or I eat in front of the com or I dont eat at all. However, I did none of the above on froday. I lunched alone.

Sitting at the 4 seater table, listening to my Ipod, and started eating. Eating SLOWLY. Yes, Its my first time eating slowly without any company. The feeling, is really different from what u lunch with other pple. U start to feel very relax, just observe the people around you or just stare into space. I quite of enjoyed it.

Its been some time since I experienced such tranquility within me when im outdoor. But tranquility, always doesnt last long...

11:40 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hello~~~Back at work!! Came in at 130pm cause I got driving before this.

I DONT like circuit! So squeezy, and im always getting niam in there. RAR!! Another 4 more lessons and then i will be having my driving test.

Now, working....Im glad i got a 良位!! Haha!! (Cuz no1 can see my screen!! SHHH)~~Hope I wont have to shift. Packed everything nicely already too!

This place is kinda cool...esp the resting lounge. Got 1 big tv, 2 sets of sofa, some gym equip, a fridge filled wif yakult and a KEYBOARD. Gosh~~A keyboard. That will be my slacking place!!

Now waiting for work to come. Boss not in....So in the meanwhile~~~HEHEHE....

3:38 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008



10:32 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008

I just LOVE this candid shot.

Yep, it seems like Im not the main character here, but I make a good 配角 rite? Anyway, I love this picture because I can see my 1 side DIMPLE so clearly!!!! Haha!! Im just so proud of my 1 sided dimple.

OH~~还有还有!!The picture of '露腿组'!!

很美吧~~ All in yellow~~Haha!

11:38 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008

Sometimes, when I got too many posts, I forgot what I posted before.

Cant remember if I posted this before.....Have a vague impression that I had, but nevertheless...

Lived in this house for 6 years. Knew the layout of the house even at the back of my head.

But for some strange reason, I just keep bumping into furniture and got scratched by them. Almost everyday, I bumped into the sides of my bed. Almost everytime I walked past the coffee table in the living room, I will get scratched by the corner of the table. Every other day, I will hit my elbow against a wall like cupboard. Everyday, I will walked n kicked my bag(s) that laid near my bed. More than once. Even if the bags are lying at the side, I will still bumped it, No matter what.

Whats wrong with me? I dont understand.

2:26 AM