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Sunday, April 27, 2008


I just ate 5 handful of chips!! Quite a big hand. Its 11 plus!! N its snacks! OMG!! 热量!!


*Drowning as much water as I can now.

11:54 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008

If I can choose to possess 3 super powers, what would it be?

First, I would like to have photographic memory. YES YES, its not super power. Some people really have that. Well, Im not 1 of them. I can never remember anything as a whole in my entire life. Everything comes in fragments. Since its exam period now, a photographic memory that ables to photocopy every single page I read and regurgitate everything out nicely will be useful. DAMN USEFUL.

Second, I would like to have teleport skill. This is a skill that most criminals would love to have. Haha~~ But Im not. I just think that travelling to school is such a hassle. If I can teleport, I can wake up at 1pm, do all neccessary stuffs and teleport to school almost instantly at 2pm. I can also have late nights out, sober or drunk and teleport home. Another thing is, petrol is really not cheap. In this case, I could save on petrol. Haha~

Lastly, I would like to be able to read people's mind if I want to. At least I will know what is the hidden truth, what is real and what is not. Im not good at judging people. If I have the abilty, MAYBE, it will be easier for me to gauge. Ahh, and its also useful during exams. Can take a peek at what the rest are thinking...Hoohoo!!

After ranting on these, I realise Im not even realistic with my super power. Security will be damn bad if every1 were to teleport everywhere. Robbers, burglars, illegal immigrant, everywhere! Unless there is a boundary to teleport, like what is in Harry Potter's book, a port key. But yea...that will be quite meaningless.

Maybe thats the problem with Libra, or maybe its just me. I fantasize. But at the same time, look at the fantasy in a realistic way and everything will just go...Boom!! NO more fantasy! Wake UP Xiying!!

1:37 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008


People might think that Vampires are scary, but I just think that Vampires are cool!!

They just attract me. Perhaps is the fangs, perhaps is the red eye.

Just somehow...somewhere...

8:49 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008



9:31 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Nope, I not talking about that Earth Hour, Or whatever its called. Im talking about the 停电 that happened last thursday at my block.

It happened when I was still sleeping. 9am. No Aircon, No Fan. No whatsoever electricity. I dunno how I did that, but I slept till 12 plus without any ventilation. ( I closed my window and door)

The electricity was cut off from 9am to 530pm. GOSH! How was I to survive those times? My brothers found their frens and went out.

Why didnt I find my frens then? 1 replied my sms 1 hr later when it was raining outside. N some...on the plane to taiwan!! No choice, but to stay at home n be a 焖猪.

Its really kinda suffocating. Air was still outside. I cant use the com, I cant watch TV, I can do practically nothing. The minor lucky thing was, I got my Ipod charged the next before. If not, my only entertainment would be gone too. That doesnt help much. Cant even concentrate studying. Its just too 焖.


12:55 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This page is getting a little boring, cuz it got NO NICE pictures!!
Thanx to my cam whoring today(I realised I havent took pictures for a LONG time!), I finally got some decent photos to post.
Sad to say, I love taking my own pics.

Lets get started...

Ah Ha!! I took about 30 and deleted around half of it, so...doin maths, I left 14 pics!!
I know its abit Bimbotic.
But I DUN CARE~~Seriously~

*Pulling myself back from the Bimbotic mode*... ... ...

Okay~ I went to sch today. I got no klass, But i got LUNCH 'appointment' with the lian. 千里迢迢 from tampines to clementi... ... zzz
Went to sch not only for lunch, but for self study too. Cuz I know I wont study much facing the com and bed at home. Im trying my very best to understand Finance. I need to try harder. HARDER!

Went to ICA Building to collect the lian's passport. LONG QUEUE!! Waited for more than 1 hr i suppose. Every1 is preparing to have a June getaway except Maxi Cher n Celes. They are flying tml~!~~ *Cry* I wanna go too.....Bo luii~

I didnt know the new passport picture is in black n white. I dont like....Can I dont change mine? Though my current passport picture doesnt look nice. I intended to take Maxi's old passport photo, cus its so 经典!But she dont allow... :(

And now, Im back home, facing the com and doin nothing again.

9:25 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back from my LONG awaited MJ session. And I lost $25!! The largest amount I've lost in my entire life. Ahhhhh!!

Pek Cek with the inflow of cards (Practically no inflow)
Pek cek with myself for making the wrong decision (It affects the game)
Pek Cek with myself for 放-ing 炮
Pek Cek at why their luck are better than mine (Unexplainable though)

But the thing is, the more pek cek I am, the lousier the cards will be.
The lousier the cards are, the lousier my mood will be.
Its like a circle. The Mahjong circle.

I understand the circle, I told Cher before, but apparently, I succumb to the lousiness.

Lousy me.

11:35 PM