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Friday, March 28, 2008

Watched 我爱黑涩会 last night. Yes..most of you must be thinking why would I watch that show. HEY! Its nice k....Better than those I can find on TV (I dont have SCV). Anyways...黑涩会,the topic was 美眉最怕的东西。东西的意思不包括人,动物与动作。纯粹是物品之类的。还蛮另类的。像是鱼,糯米肠,假人头等等。


想了好久,我怕的....是一些用铁摩擦发出的声音。 Like a fork scrapping against the plate;like unscrewing n screwing the mental pen cap. Can never tolerate that sound. 会让我起鸡皮疙瘩,后脑勺会发麻。会抓狂!!

啊! 对了!! 我怕'臭菜'! I dunno what its called. Its those teochew people like to put those green mint leave look alike into their porridge that 1. AHHH!! 受不了那个味道。香咩?


11:49 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mind is in a blank now...Didnt know what to blog, but force myself to type something here, like i gotta 负责 to my blog somehow.

My computer can finally log on to facebook poker. 3 cheers to Jeremy! But the thing is...my frens dont play them that often already. KNS...

Somehow reverted to my normal eating routine this week. Means eating 2 meals a day. For ur info, I've been skipping heavy lunch for the past dunno how many weeks.
Why do I revert back? Cause I gotta eat with my 'LOVABLE' friend from UOL. 哈哈
UOL got this perverted revision course that starts at 10am and till 5pm. Thats mad. I will die at the 3rd hour. Im glad that Im not in UOL.

But then,RMIT...got this stupid module call History In Management Thoughts(HMT). According to Wanying, its call "Holy Mother-fking Theory". Quite true. The project is bloody hell 30%. Tired all of us out. zZz

Life is never mundane with Wanying n Xiaohui. They can do the most incredible things that most people will only think but no action will be taken. Like what we say, 纸上谈兵。They are different, they 说到做到。
1st, they can wear a 'unique' pair of slippers to sch.
2nd, they can write letter to 'my' 一丿金发。Truely Incredible.

Seriously, I wanna see the aftermath.

Lastly, we watched a totally horrendous n disgusting n abhorring video. OMFG (Oh My Freaking God)!! I wasnt told what kind of video was that beforehand. So being a kaypo and curious, I watched.
Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
Why on earth will people do that!! Is that what u call fetish? Or its just realli a twisted humour?
Its totally SICK!!!

Whats wrong with them? I seriously wonder. They must have gone mad.

In case you are curious what video is that, its 2 girls 1 cup. Google it. Cant find it on youtube.
I dont recommend if u just had your meal, or rather, I dont recommend it at all.
Watch it at your own discreet. Fall sick or whatever, its not my fault~

11:09 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008

Im in a super bad mood now....Which is NOT good at all, cuz I will think abit differently when I do at normal times.Its not constructive.

I used to think that Blogs are for bored pple. I revisited this thought again. I express my thoughts and share what I did in this space. I wonder, if I can tell all these to my frens, why would I wanna 'talk' to a blog instead? It wont reply, it wont interact. It just intense the feeling of boredom and loneliness. You wont blog when you r kept busy playing n talking to ur frens right?

Another thing which I find it 'intriguing'. Which type of person is more lonely.

A) A person that doesnt have internet connection and playing games alone.
B) A person that has an internet connection and MSN, but staring blankly at the names of pple online and playing ONLINE games alone.

Both seems to be doing the same thing. But I think B is more pathetic than A.

I told you I cant think the right way when Im not in a good mood. These are all the dark sides of the situation. I choose not to see the bright side at this moment.

12:51 AM
Friday, March 14, 2008

Came back from Bangkok 3 days ago. Hows was it??To those whom I've told would know. Duh! I dun bother repeating the same thing. Bottom line is....It is not as good as I thought, a bit overrated.

Because of the trip, I got myself into some troublesome matters with RMIT. Again, I wont explain much cause its a whole hell of thing to explain. Everyone, just pray hard for me, thanx!

It will be busy for me these 2 weeks. Juggling work and test and...maybe a little bit of mahjong?

1:44 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008

Im seriously pissed off at the seats of lecture hall 1.10 in SIM. The seats are connected to one another. So if there are some fidgeting monkeys that CANT sit still, be sure that u will be on a boat ride. And true enough, I sat with some fidgeting monkeys at lecture just now. KNS! I was freaking dizzy n uncomfortable. For your information, I HAVE motion sickness.

I got the urge to nail them to the chair so they cant move, but being a super friendly and polite course mate, I didnt. 我忍!

Since SIM is soo rich...can they just change the freaking chair? If not...I think i will be the first to puke in lecture for having motion sickness.

10:32 PM