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Thursday, January 31, 2008




天秤今年的运势波动较大,主要表现在各方面反差较大,在爱情上最为得势。单身的天秤今年会有不少异性环绕在周围,陷入情网的概率会非常之 高,相处多年的情侣还有最终步入婚姻殿堂的喜事哦。不过在事业方面今年将要面临较大的考验,谨慎小心方可度过难关。财运方面则表现平常,没有太多的建树。

    天秤座今年的整体运势仍然维持平顺,射手座内的木星,对天秤座发挥良好的影响力,土星对天秤座也没有带来严格的压力。不过“月孛”(暗月 之一)在年内通过整个天秤座,增添了一点点小问题和小麻烦,所幸这都是能化解的。天秤座在这一年内,能够在夹缝中获利,坐享其成,化解很多问题的,那么也 就是会遇到贵人相助。另外还有很多星体的影响仍起作用,增添创意和亮丽色彩。



12:16 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008

Realised that I havent been updating my blog. Partly due to 'busy-ness' and damn lazy to do it.
Just points of what I have done after 18th Jan. I dont remember all...Bad memory, its failing me....

  1. 19th - Jay Chou's concert!!!!!!!!!! I was relatively irritated by the human barrier in front of me. He is freaking 190cm tall. Top in the 'most hated thing u got when watching a concert' list.
  2. 20th - Did some spring cleaning to my room. 忍痛 discard my SHE magazines that Ive collected over the years. Did some shifting to my shelves.
  3. 21st - Finally passed my FTT!!! Went to do some shopping n spent $200 plus~~ Darn~~I just love shopping at weekdays when the streets are students-free.
  4. 22nd - Applied my PDL and got myself a driving instructor.
  5. 23rd - Went to town after school....Still love wandering on student-free streets~~
  6. 24th - I Went SWIMMING @ Hougang with wanying. Got a nose bleed when swimming. I shld be the first to get a nose bleed when swimming. Played MJ after that.
  7. 25th - Spent half my day at Chapter 2. I got a NEW haircut n colour!!! Now, my fringe can stand after i bathed!!
  8. 26th - Cynthia's 21st Birthday celebration. Played MJ after that @ Wahman's house till 4am plus. I WON! MUAHAHA!!! But zzzz...tired.....
  9. 27th - Had a family 'outing'. Went to Cash converter to sell things...2 big boxes of stuffs. Doesnt fetch much. Next to parkway to SHOP! I just love shopping with my family. Tired after all these...ZzZzZz..
So perhaps, all these explains why I hadnt update my blog. (Excuses...but ya...) Everyday is filled with activites.

12:34 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008

I really must say this!! Truely ANNOYING!

Thought that I have evaded the monsterous amended midnight taxi surcharge when I hopped on the cab at round 11 55pm. I was TOTALLY wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, true enough, for the 5 mins, there was no surcharge. However, when the clock strikes 12, the extra meter starts to jump.

I was completely puzzled initially, then i asked the uncle. He talked to me in some...alien dialect...think was in hokkien. I could only catch some of the alienic words. Like, 12...auto...start...etc....

I feel so cheated. Seriously, with this kind of freaking cab fare, I wont have the feel to have a late night out.
And really, I wont take too much cab rides now...RAR!!!

12:45 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008

Think everybody knows, that I failed my A levels 2 3 years ago.
And some asked me the same question: 你不觉得很浪费时间吗?当初为何不去 poly 呢?



JC 时期,对,没考及格,但,我认识了好多朋友。没了他们,可能就没有现在的我。所以我从来多没有后悔进 JC 的决定。我得的,也许比我失去的来得多。友情,欢乐,一定比成绩来的重要。当然,最好是两者都好,如果要我只考好成绩,没了朋友,我还是会选择‘情’。


11:58 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008





第一次 shopping 到较软,死撑硬撑地走。




第一次回国后自己搭 Taxi 拿行李回家。

好多好多的第一次! 我还想再出国 shopping!!! Oh, I think Im goin to Bangkok on March!

10:43 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

终于不在是OL. 恢复学生的身份。

在重回校园之前,我去一趟小旅行!!明天我要去KL 咯!!

10:27 PM