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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Just this week, I had 3 minor cuts accumulated. 2 on my left hand and 1 on my right foot. How?

1) Opened a bottle cap, some protruding metal on it, hence cut my finger. [Monday]
2) Cut the top of my right foot with my heels. (How cool is that!) [Wednesday]
3) Cut my left hand with paper files that Im handling. [Today]

一切都不碍事,但也太 suay 了吧.... :(

9:27 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Watched Enchanted today, as of the title, the show is very enchanting, very 梦幻! So fairytale~~Well, it IS a fairytale brought to reality.

Just like this tree!

Nice right?? So pinkish~ How I wish all the tree grows in that colour. Wouldnt it be nice if the world is pinkish?? Hoho~ Merry Xmas!

9:51 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I see that there is a lack of picture in my blog nowadays. Take this!

It is my first time cutting abalone!! Woo~

11:28 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007

I cannot resist money temptation, which explains why im here, at work, but not working...

9:18 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The price of being too free in the office = The price you got to pay shopping online.

11:35 AM

I got 2 pairs of shoes for the price of $1!!!! Haha!! No la...its a BELATED birthday present from Shulyn. Thanx gal!! Its good to be pan-tang~

10:16 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007

基於科技发达,沟通再也不局限于用言语了,MSN, SMS 等等让我们能用文字轻而一举的沟通。因为这样,有部分的人都习惯隔着一面仪器沟通,导致我们渐渐不敢当面对人说出想要表达的情绪或感觉。

就拿我当例子,如果事态严重,比如说,伤害了一个人,或造成人家的极大不方便,'对不起' 这三个字眼,是我一直以来都不敢当面说的词。不知道为什么, 总是开不了口,就....感觉好害怕。只敢用文字代替我的嘴。孬透了!

11:51 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007



距离。新加坡固然不大,但东跟北也不算近。就像东北跟东部,只隔着一道 TPE, 但是,还是有人说远!!!


12:03 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007

In the past, teacher would always ask us what is our ambition. We will give alot, like what lawyer, doctor, singer, etc....But who will work towards and fulfill their ambitions eventually? Some will reach their goals, some will not. I did not.

People's ambition change over the course of time. Mine changed. To what? To nothing! U can come right up to me, and ask me, what is my goal. I can truthfully tell you that I got no slightest idea! Its foggy in front of me.

I only know right now, I wanna earn more money. From what ways? Im still thinking. Working is definitely one of the way.(I needa kill time..) Thinking of other alternatives as well. This is the age where u will start thinking of all these. Maybe i got influenced, but this is a positive influence, I thank you for that. Got good lobang, pls tell me!

This is the age where u realli understand the importance of money. With it, i can satisfy and fulfill my many promises that i've made to myself. You might think that its being materialistic, but HELLO~~U r living in a materialistic world!!No point denying that, either u keep up with all these or migrate to some ulu mountain and live.

2:22 PM