Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I passed my Basic Theory Test! Saw Kah Seng & Jason there.Was quite fed up at the admin office. The examiner told us its optional to print the results slip, so we didnt print. When we reached the office, the lady told us to print the slip as the results wasnt transmitted over. After printing, we got our new number, everything was quite fast until it 027. It stuck there for dunno how long. Y?! Cuz of 2 ah neh. They took damn long la~~OMG lorz. And the best thing is, only 1 lady was on duty. The lady was explaining again n again to both of them. Not that im racist....its just that, its REALLY LONG.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
今天突然想起2003年的一些事。难道这是回光返照?!?!! 呸呸呸!!!是想念~~
Suddenly thought of the times when we practised and rehearsed for talent time. Since its the last year, we thought it might be fun to participate. So we entered ourselves into 2 categories. 1- Band, 2-Group.
Ok....we got into NONE of it. But what i enjoyed the process of practising thoroughly. Its really nice when everyone come together and work towards a similar goal. 真的很好玩.
Rewind back to 2000, my first choir performance. Except the fact that i looked like a Kuku, everything else was wonderful. It was held in Victoria concert hall. Quite a nice place. N most importantly, we had a musical-Beauty and the Beast. Splendid! Ahhh.....回味无穷~
Although during rehearsals, we will always complain, but now as we look back, it was an enjoyable experience after all. After every concert that we put up, we always wanted to 从头再来,喜欢沉醉在当中。
听起来好像很老 hor?? Wad sia...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Just changed my hairstyle not long ago.My mum says its ugly.But I think its kinda nice.Post it here??Nah....Wait till you see me.Now, waiting to knock off.Im BORED.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Watched the variety programme 'Just Shoot' on TV last night. I only watched the first 15 mins of the show. It was talking about msn language. Like LOL, BRB....u get what i mean. For me, those who talked to me in msn know that i always use msn language, but i don't talk using MSN language.I've got some friend, that talk using msn languange. Like when heard something funny, they will say lol or lmao instead of REALLY laughing out. I think its kinda...not right lehz. U r not even laughing out!!! So why use LOL? Its not even logical right?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
This is me, at work, preparing to go S-Pop after work yesterday.
This is me, at work, today, after going to S-Pop.
Yes!! There is a difference right?!?
The recording took 6 hours!! Oh Mans~~ The longest recording i've ever been. It ended around 130am. Now u know y i look like this today.S-Pop was quite fun, however, there were some songs that i nvr heard b4. Hoho...Yes, Im implying that im young! In fact, Im REALLY young.Ok...Back to work..For my overseas trip, I endure tiredness!!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
2nd post in a day. After a few minutes, cuz i find this relatively true, maybe to a huge extent, of what i think of myself.
You Are a Haunted House |
 You are a deeply complicated and sometimes deeply disturbed person. You can't help but be attracted to the dark side of life - even when it's pretty gruesome. In relationships, you are honest and real. So real that it's definitely a little scary. You don't fake it or play along just to get along. And people either respect this... or deeply resent it
Your life is thoughtful, deep, and even philosophical at times. You see the world as it is. You don't sugar coat anything. Facing and fighting your fears is important to you. You believe that too much of life is whitewashed. You're not too morbid... you just believe that you can't enjoy life without exorcising a few demons first!
At your best, you are brave, intense, and fearless. Not only do you face the abyss head on - you challenge your friends to do the same. At your worst, you are depressed and morose. If you're not careful, your thoughts take over your mind... and they aren't pretty! |
Like everybody, I also got my 'down' days. Its as if dementors were around me. Thoughts just go worse. Nothing i think came out right. I cant think of an english term, but 钻牛角尖 is the term. Yes, i know i always use that, but tt realli applies for me. Maybe in the past. I hope im no longer like this now.
After a few incidents, I tried living in a different way. I no longer look at those 'problems' as problems. Perhaps its just a phase that i got to pull it thru. Im glad that now its over, only that it comes hunting me now and then.
Sometimes i wonder, 装傻是不是活得更开心的一个方法?The more you know, the clearer the picture is, the more u will get hurt. But for a 38 person like me, its difficult to control probing more. I tried hard, to 装没听见,没感觉。久而久之,我学会了不问,不打听。要说的,自然会开口。不说的,也不勉强。我也学会不去在乎太多。
星期五请了一天假。所以呢,从星期四开始,我过了3天的'放纵'日子。放纵地吃喝玩乐!!! 显然的,拿一天宝贵的假期,当然不会在家里啊!是为了庆祝'马锡联'的生日。
由于相片有限,这篇仅有文字,没有图片! 不是说我们拍得少,只是说有好多好多的生活照,不便亮相。既然只有文字,也不好给一篇长篇大论~简短说重点 (filter out~~)
好吧,让我从星期四说起,我醉了! 还吐了!喝得太猛了。Uncle 也说我们的喝法实在太crazy了!不醉才怪!那是我第一次醉得东倒西歪呢。不过那晚还挺好玩的!不不不,是好有趣!Hiak Hiak Hiak~~
星期五,Official day of party. I got hangover, n Im the only one. Crapz...有半天是处于呆滞状态。到了旁晚才真正恢复。BBQ 开始...我只负责吃!!! 这是为了他人生命着想,好吗?耗了一天,我们3点多就 KO 了,因为明天就得 check out 了。
星期六,check out day。好累。去 mac 吃早餐便回家 zzzz. 旁晚到姑妈家继续玩。
看看,这不就是 吃喝玩乐的3天吗?弄得我现在好不想回去做工了呢。。。但放纵的日子,不能天天都有,那就太荒唐了!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Belated post, for the belated Birthday Celebration. Thanx Cynthia, Wanying n Xuhao!
Known them for YEARSSSSS...5-6 years for wanying n xuhao, and 10 years for cynthia!! Gosh 10 years!! Its like, half of my life!!! It feels so good that we are still as close. After all these years in sch, and now, outside school. Wonderful, isnt it?
She is 1 hella crazy woman- Cynthia Ko. Thanx for the surprise! Though it wasnt unexpected~

She/He always kenna irritated by me. Haha~See the first word of the sentence n u wil know WHY. Joking onli...U know i LOVE u....oh! I love cynthia too!

Lastly, the to-be birthday boy. Teo Xuhao. Yes....He is always irritating me too...Okok...I irritate him as well..扯平啦!The always-kenna-sarbo-good -guy. Dun worry, u are always our 好姐妹!Dun try denying the fact.

Yes...The cake is nice...But 4 pple who were so full, eating a quarter of the cake...thats sooo...FULL!
现在做工,Eh! 还是没变!! 可是做工呢,和上课不同,不能偷偷的睡!所以呢.....我需要精神粮食。
1)MSN. 没了它,我大概不能撑1个月的工作了。有 MSN 但没人说话也没用,幸好也有一位上班但非常无聊的朋友。HeeHee~你不做工了,我怎么办?早上起来陪我聊天,好吗?
2)933! 没了它,有多无聊啊!早上的'就是万人迷'到'午餐不断电'到'午后万万岁'到最后的'周先生与周太太'。Yesh! 我是933的忠实听众。
3)Food!!! 是的没错!我们 Office 里的人有好多食物哦!Tea Break time 都会有东西吃!想瘦下来,因该是个非常大的问题。Haiz....
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Yesterday, Maxi suddenly brought up the topic of Pokemon family in our class. I dunno who 'invented' it in the first place, either Yibin or Shengen, I presume. Kinda childish, yeah~
This is what they called mi, Charizard. Reason being? Think its not difficult to guess right? I breathe fire, thats all. Yibin said Charmander is too cute for me, thus this. What the.....-.-'
Introducing Jigglypuff. Thats Maxilian. Haha~Cuz she love to Sing and she IS Pink. Fits perfectly, I think, but I dont sleep when she sings. There's a little 'debate' if she is Jigglypuff or the evolved version: Wigglytuff. Reason? Think on ur own~~
Next, Cheryl Chow is Pikachu. Why?? She carries an oversized yellow bag in the past, and she is tiny, hence earning the title of pikachu.
Coming up, Rattata. Who is that in our class? Belinda. Really looks like her...Opps~~So why rattata? The main feature of rattata is the front teeth. Get it? Dont make me say it out. Haha~
Lastly, Junxiang is Snorlax. Seriously i dunno why, does he look like it? Or because he sleeps in class? But does he? If he does, den i dun understand the good results that he always got.

I dunno if there are anymore in our class, these are all that i remembered, and what we brought up yest.
However, I think i should be called Pikachu!! Cuz Im Choo Xi Ying. Pikachu-Xi Ying. -.-''''''' Cold~~~~
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Im officially 20, and a day old. Firstly, i would like to thank Shulyn, Steffie, Joyce, Chris, Darren, Jowe, BK and Alex. Thank you guys!!! Its nice~ Thanx for the bag!! I love it!! As for Shulyn's 1....Wait till we are free~~haha~Im now waiting for Cynthia n Wanying, Thursday rite? I want Surprise!! SURPRISE!!Spent the official birthday with my family, its been years since I've celebrated birthday on my actual day. Ate Crab Bee Hoon!! I like~Finally, thanx those who wished me Happy Birthday in a way or another!!*Bidding Goodbye to 10's and welcoming the 20's*I welcome those that are joining me in NO time, u know who u all r~~*wink*