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Sunday, September 30, 2007

昨天提早庆祝我的20岁生日~~谢谢你们~~ I had a great time!! Hope you all enjoyed too~!~

Ate Pasta de Waraku @ Central, very nice!! I like~ Shall go back next time, any takers??

After that, we went to China One. We spent a few dollars playing photo hunt!! It shows that we weren't drunk. Of cuz, we haven even finish the 1 big glass (or is that call pint?) of Heineken. If u happen to see the name " Anyhow" and "Anywhere" on the high score chart, thats us!! No doubt!!

Bennett and Jeremy treated mi to a glass of flaming lamborghini, 企图想把我弄醉~~~haha~~but!! No!! Im perfectly fine!! Heres a pic of a bartender preparing the drink for us.
See the flame? First time seeing it...Cool!! It tasted like strepsil.

Next, the guys ordered 1 graveyard each, we gals ordered tequila n barcardi cooler each. Bennett was gone case after 干杯-ing with us. Haha~~ Pics and video available~~ Not here...privately~~ Hohoho!!

Here, i would like to thank all of them for giving me such a fun nite.
Thanx Maxi!
Thanx Cherene!Thanx Jeremy!Thanx Bennett!Thanx Celes!!排名不分先后!!! Thanx for the present too. Thanx koonlong for the present too!!

3:12 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Im now freezin, hungry and sleepy. Do i sound like the little matchstick girl?

The only exception is that I cant light a matchstick. The whole office will be soaked in water if I do that.

11:58 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

As promised, Im here to blog about my 3 fun-filled days. It was a family chalet. Since young, our families have a tradition of opening a chalet once or twice every year. This makes us bond and play together. 很显然的,这三天也一样。

Chalet 最重要是 food!!!! We also get to try different food or recipes, unlike normal BBQ. This is made possible by our Creative Director: 三姨~~!!! Cheers!!! A hundred and one ways of marinating the chicken wings doesnt make us feel bored eating throughout the years. Other than that, we got pork chops, steaks, hot banana split, mixed fruit (Put over fire to bbq)....etc etc.....Delicious?? I ate that for 3 days!!! Felt so sinful~~~But i don't regret eating all those Yummies~

Chalet...一定要有的.....麻将!!!!! I think that is the main motive of our chalet, in the past, it enables our parents to play overnight mahjong, but now, we need more than 1 table. Of course, mahjong is not a game for many. Other games like UNO keep us entertained too. 1 UNO game can take a LOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG time to complete. In addition, the facilities in the resort plays a part. We spent some time in the play room, those rooms that got alot of coloured balls 1, it caters to children, not for us. But we still went in n play anyway. That was crazy~~~Totally!! Coloured balls become our weapon. Think age's catching up, we were all panting after a SHORT while of battle.

Allow me to post pics, not me, but my 2 little cousins...in BIKINI!!!

Man Man wore Joey's bikini...Its a little tight~~Haha~~

Both of them.

So the days, were very happy!!! I like!!!

After 3 days of fun, off to work...Grrrr...Anti Climax. My brother stayed back to play mahjong..I cant!!
Too bored...Since its MY blog, I Should post my pic too!! I looked happy but!! 我是闷的. Think only Shulyn knows how bored am I. 8 hours on MSN talking to each other...Same situation.

9:14 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007

Im in the office now, Im seriously sleepy...After 3 fun filled days in chalet. Eat play and sleep! 3 days of playing and now, working!! What a huge contrast~~ Haiz...U all should know how bored am I now, Blogging in the office. I will post again regarding the chalet. zZzZzZzZ...........................

10:56 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

放工回家,我妈告诉我说今天是我的农历生日。祝我生日快乐哦~ 今天也不算是没庆祝啦,只是不是帮我庆祝,是为两位同事庆祝。

So during lunch, we went to Downtown East to eat Sakae Sushi buffet. Cool!! Suits me!! Big eater!! We were split into 3 tables. Our table was the fastest group, as in at the beginning, our table was already filled with plates, while the other tables were still clean and empty. I think i realli ate alot, cuz i still dont feel hungry now.
Here is the picture taken over there.

This lunch break took us around 2 hours!! Haha~~ We went out at 12 plus and came back close to 3pm. Quite flexible rite? But cannot everyday eat so long la~~除非你不想干了.

对了!! All of them said that i looked like 1 of the girl in the office. All thought that we came from the same family! Im not bluffing you, its realli ALL of them told me the same thing. I saw her a few times, but...I dunno. I dunno her well. So next time i should juz go up to her and take a pic tgt. Tts if i ever talk to her. Im rather anti-social...u know~~

Another thing, not related to office. My family opened a chalet on this friday and i only got to know it yesterday!! All of them knew it long ago except me! Why ar? Im not always away wad...Dun need to 排挤我的咯....讨厌....

11:51 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007

原本坚持不听的一首歌,今天竟然忍不住,去听了。这首歌就是 Ella 唱的《蔷蔷》。以前坚持不听,是因为我想买了那张 EP 后才听,但是,那张 EP 迟迟都还没在新加坡发行。真的是气死我了!

记得有一天我在电视上看见 Ella 唱一段这首歌时,我的眼眶湿了。它是第一首让我感触良多的歌,所以我不想草草在网上听,太没感觉了!可是今天又听见朋友说那支 mv 里,Ella 有几句对白,让我心痒痒,没办法再招架了。

回到家,上 youtube 看了那支 mv。果然,不只眼眶湿,泪也不止住地往下流。真的太感动了。简简单单的歌词,没有太虚化的包装,听得出真实的感觉,对蔷蔷最后真实的祝福。动人心璇的一首歌。


9:48 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007

终于让我等到了周末!!开心!!因为不用上班。从星期四开始,我的 laptop 终于给我盼到了~~但那绝对不是一件真的值得开心的事。电脑的到来就是说繁重的工作也将临。果然,多到眼花缭乱,脖子酸痛。虽然今天是星期六,我依然对着电脑,尽管对眼睛不好,但至少我不是在忙着 input data 阿~ 现在我懊恼没衣服可穿去上班了!!!怎么办?还没拿到薪水,哪有这个本钱?只好将就一下啦~

前几天拿回最后一学期的成绩。我及格!!我毕业了!!还让我拿到了一科 A,那还是我最最最讨厌的科目呢....说实话,蛮开心的~但我听说,有一些同学没过关,又替他们担心,毕竟是最后一期了。加油吧!!!

10:37 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another Boring and sleep inducing day!! Couldn't get the blardy laptop= cant do any work that is impt= Nothing to do= Feel like Sleeping!
They said the final approval of the request for the laptop was yesterday, and they need 3 working days before i can get hold of it. Which means...Friday? Or the following Monday.
So before that, i will be doin Sai Kang and talking and obviously, Rotting. I juz rotted 5 hrs for today. But do u know rotting is also very tiring? Cant do Anything and Cant sleep. Crapz~~And cant really talk to anybody, cause every1 is busy except ME!

Don't feel like goin to work tml. Kinda waste of my time, But on the other hand, doin nothing brings in $$$$$, so y not? 挣扎 between these 2, and finally....$$$ overules~~If any 1 reads these...PLEASE!!! Message me and entertain mi~~~I need ur help~~~

Went to watch Rat @ PS. First time in my life i chased a train. Cool....If i wasnt pressed for time, i would NEVER chase a train. Anyway, show was nice~~But we were both Sleepy.....zzz.....
Shu Lyn said there was earthquake...I didnt know..no feeling or what so ever...Got mehz? NVM...nothing dropped on me, my life wasnt jeopardized. 管它的~

Im sleepy now, stinging sensation in my eyes~~ Gotta go~~Nites!!!

11:47 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Back track to Sunday.......

Bennett called me out suddenly in the afternoon. Thought we were goin to some neighbourhood place, BUT! He 'pulled' me to Suntec to see the Game Fair. The post below is the tattoo that I made on my hand. 突然,我们莫名其妙被拉上 platform and take photo, 原来 that model was Ben's friend. 尴尬啦~~Below the platform people were also shooting....This is the pic.

Started my first day of work. Waited approximately 2 hrs to get the badge done, rotted till lunch time ,finally get to do something, finished, rotted for another 1 to 2 hrs b4 getting my hands to do some manual work. Not shifting and carrying things la....but writing and photocopying stuffs. Frankly speaking, i like doing brainless things, cuz no brain cells will be killed in the process. But the days of doin brainless things will be gone...when i get hold of a laptop. Work will pile in....Argh~

Work is still brainless....but more talking!!! Cuz the girl i was helping was around the same age. And another gal in the cubicle too!! Im sort of distracting them cuz im the only 1 free~~Heehee~~ Hey~ I didnt initiate the talk k....

Went down the Mediacorp to support Yahui~~~Gosh~~ We were high!!! Screaming and shouting!! It was VERY worth it however!!! She got the highest score!! Woohoo!!! Congrats~~

Will be meeting Shulyn tml for our rat show~~She is working too. And i think my lappie is coming, so i Wont be That free...

10:04 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007

Juz testing the system...im so bored waiting at the reception...zzz

10:24 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007





2:27 AM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Thanx Maine!!!! I love that~~~ But whr u got the photo?

12:52 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007

我本身比较霸道,或者是脾气不好,所以如果有人不回应我的 msg 或 sms, 我本人真的会稍微的抓狂. 短短的简讯,一个答复,真的有那么困难吗?或许他们在忙,这我能理解,告诉我一声,我保证短时间内不去打扰。我应该没有那么不识像吧。这种感觉真的好像在等巴士或德士,来的都不能搭,等了又等,一直还未等到。还蛮 pek cek 的,不会吗?

荧光频后的他们到底在干嘛。只要是我控制不了的,我真的会很闷。我不想胡思乱想,因为‘年轻人不应该胡思乱想嘛’。(That will be my next post.)

1:26 AM