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Friday, August 31, 2007

It will be Teachers' Day soon. My mum made these for my cousin's teachers. Super nice k, 以前都没有帮我做这样美的!!!!让你们看看!!And my couz is only K2!

Nice right? 纯纸制造的喔!!漂亮吧~

12:56 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Exams over, DMS programme over too...来,送你们一张照片....我们这一班的'一些'人......

4:17 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007



11:12 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Took a 'Little' Break from studying. Gosh, IMEC is totally....like shit!!! The worse subject 1 can get besides OTQM. Study for so long and yet dun even know what am i studying. The feeling brings mi back to the days in JC.... CA results too, were totally atrocious. I knew i did badly for macro, and true enough, it was BAD. Just gotta buck up for all the subjects.

Since its a Little break from studies, the post shall be Irrelevant to work. It will be on colours.
My all time favourite colours will be pink and black, as it can be seen on my jacket. Step into my room and u can feel the pinkness flooding into you, open my bag and u can see the blackness within. I quite like the combination of black and pink. See my blog, you shld know rite....Sweet and yet not too sweet. Here are the meanings that i found online.


Is emotionally soothing and calming, and gives the feeling of gentle warmth and nurturing. It lessens feelings of irritation and aggression, surrounding us with the a sense of love and protection. It also alleviates loneliness, despondency, over sensitivity. While red relates more to sexuality, pink is associated with unselfish love.


This colour is both comforting, protective, and mysterious. it is associated with silence, the infinite, and the feminine life force-passive, unchartered, and mysterious. Black can also prevent us from growing and changing. We often cloak ourselves in black to hide from the world.

Reckon its true? I dunno, but I quite like it though.

If any one interested, here it is.

Sorry, the font doesnt fit for the link, hence its a LITTLE small~

*A side note, why cant school test us on Harry Potter and Mahjong? I may not get full marks, but at least i wont fail or pass by margin.

11:26 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007

Projects end officially, officially as in last project last presentation for this DMS course. YAY!! Presentation was alright, a little hiccups here and there, but those were too small to brood over it. The only thing that i mind was; a better clicker sitting condition shld be provided. I wore till so 美 (at least i think so), and i got to kneel on the floor. Totally unglam! But wells, Im glad its all over.

Took alot of pics today. But sorry~~none will be posted in this post cuz i haven got any yet...Still waiting~~Will try to post when i get the chance AND provided Im not lazy.

Went K-Box today. Went to Paradiz Centre initially, but!!!! The K-Box there 倒闭!!!! Waste my time and energy walking there, the journey was tough k...It was raining, 4 of us gotta squeeze under 1 umbrella and my heels (forever), gave mi minor walking prob. Hence we head over to Cine instead.

K-Box is fun!!! Every1 sang except for 1~~She eats, drinks,talks, lie, sit,stare, but didnt sing~~However Im glad that she's willing to go. Singing is really a good way to de-stress! Cool!

Think every1 deserves a good rest after all these tiring projects. But make it a short rest, cuz after projects, its the exams that's coming up next.

Lastly, let mi post our class pic...Try Spotting me~Perhaps some group pics (maybe 1) too!

11:15 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I would like to dedicate my first few sentences to Steffie Kua. Yo~~ I link u on my blog k? It will be good if u dun mind, however if u mind, I will just link it anyway~~ Ok, perhaps u would wanna close this window now, cuz I will be blogging in Chinese, and maybe, a few words in English~~Cheers~~~

莫名其妙地生了一场小病。又不像是发烧,只是身体发烫,觉得好热好热。对于一位早上体温徘徊在约34-35度的女生,遇到一点早风就得披上外套的女生, 这简直是难受~我自认能忍耐无风的环境,今天却被击败了。我只不过坐在 LT 外等朋友,前后不到1小时,我浑身就以不自在,无法忍受,坐立不安。

病情的开始,是在我外婆家,使用了按摩椅后,四肢没力,毫无胃口。坐也不是,站也不对,别扭极了。到底是谁传染给我的呢?哈哈哈~~那一定非何书霖小姐 DMSFT 15 / 5A 莫属了~指名道姓的感觉不错吧~~她病好不久就轮到我了。肯定是病菌在我体内与免疫系统抗战了许久,最后才不小心的稍微败下阵来。 好吧~~不多说了~~眼皮以不直觉的往下合了,头也有点昏昏欲睡咯~~


11:27 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007

I didnt know there are some SIM pple are so plain horrible, irritating n childish n nothing better to do. Ok, Maybe is part of my carelessness that i used the messenger, those provided in IE. Cuz the best part of it is that they will keep ur password even if u signed out.

I've met some good peeps that help me signed out, but todae, i saw some that put crude n ugly n disgusting msg as my msn nick. Sick rite?? Vanessa said they logged in mine for a long time when i was slping. Pple who dunno might think im the 1 who put it. Shit lorz.

Realli didnt know pple can get so bored and do this kind of stuff. Summore, pple in SIM are of dip or degree lvl. Thats wad i cant believe. Stupid pple. Ought to be shot.

8:10 PM
Sunday, August 5, 2007

昨天抢先看了 《不能说的秘密》,真的超赞的好不好~~~拍得好美好美,琴也当然,弹得好棒!!他们的手指简直就像在琴键上飞!!太厉害了!!给我50年,我也未必办得到。这一部电影真的太太太值得看了!!!




6:58 PM