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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Had an exciting week, should have taken ALOT of pictures, but NO~ None!! Cuz the place whr i was standing/ sitting is not in a favourable position to take any. So 你们没眼福了~

I know some of your OS will be: 我也没兴趣啦~

对我而言,无所谓啦~反正能找到志同道合的朋友一点也不容易。以前的我,天真地以为只有志同道合才会成为谈得来的朋友。其实不是。志不同道不合的,也能成为朋友。只是....想要做的事,不能找他,想要分享的戏/歌,不能找他。他们说的音乐,戏剧,等等,我只能在一旁静静地听。虽然没听懂,也可能不感兴趣, 我也没办法。

问题是,SIM 的那些家伙,好像是吃 potato 长大的。More of gan-dang den cheena, whereas I, am a truely 100% cheena.( Mind u, I nvr watched Simpsons, Sesame Street Before~~) 他们欣赏的音乐,是我无法了解的。同样的,我喜欢的,也许,根本是他们的外星语吧。

但幸运的是,我还好有1 ,2, 3, 4, 5... 位稍微志同道合的朋友吧。

Anyway, pls do not misinterpret this post, I nvr said I preferred any. All are frens and are dear to me.

9:50 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Waited for perhaps 2 years, FINALLY, I got hold of my beloved Harry Potter book!! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I got the children edition cause my books are all along children edition. I haven read finish, I know thats slow, but i wasnt given a condition of sitting down quietly and enjoying the story. Given the rate Im reading, I can finish the book by today~~I hope. The reason why i cant finish my harry potter book. Was out from 12 plus till 8pm on Sunday. Waiting n queuing for S.H.E FREE fun party tic. Thanks to Xuhao's fren ( I dunno the name), who went and queued at 630am, I dun think i will be able to get the tickets. Thanx again~
Cant concentrate on my harry potter when i got home, cuz i got a Biz Law test the following day. As compared to my peers, I think i under-studied cuz i was out nearly the whole day. Today's test is a partial disaster. MCQ was ok, except for some 'intuition' work. The duration of the test was 1 hr long. We got to complete 15 MCQs(30 marks) and 7 short question answer(70 marks). Blimey!! How in the hell can we finish 7 short question answers in less than an hour?? I doubt anyone can. When the invigilator announced that we only got a remaining of 20 mins before the paper ends, I was only at question 2. This shows how 'time tight' we were. However, I managed to roughly finish my papers cuz i didn't really got alot to write. Told ya, I under-studied, and my xian 功 isnt that great yet. Goin to polish up my skills...soon.

12:26 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007

Watched Harry Potter yesterday at a private screening at the old shaw tower. Thanx to Yahui for offering us the tickets. The best thing is that we got a couple seat instead of the normal seat. -.-" 浪漫 hor? 对象错了啦!! Haha. 还有还有,坐我们前面有一个大头鬼。头大就算了,还给我坐直叻。Not only blocked my view, 还 blocked Shulyn 的 view. This kind of people, should attend etiquette lesson on watching movie. Bus passengers should also attend the lesson too. The passenger sitting behind should learn NOT to use the air con and blow at person's head sitting in front of them. 吹头会头痛的咯~不想吹也不用一厢情愿的认为其他的人要吹吧...esp when the person in front is wrapping herself in jacket already. Dun be so selfish can?? Sorry, I've digressed.

So, Harry Potter movie, its only...ok lorz...Left out alot of details that was in the book. The book is soo thick and the movie is only 138 mins. Nevertheless, I still like Harry Potter, and Im waiting for the last book to come out.

Heard that Shulyn and I got suanned for not going to sch today. 哈哈~~偷偷说我们的坏话!! Dont worry, I wasn't caught in 'hairy's' hair !! Juz too tired, i think it accumulated over the past weeks.

9:03 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007

Did meaningful things over the weekend. I assume it brought happiness to the other parties. Pardon me, this gonna be a damn long entry.

On sat, thought i will go home n rot, but on my way home, received an SMS to do something nice. Since its something nice, of cuz, i will go. We met in PS first, to do the necessary eating and shopping. Went to the arcade to do our long-time-no-do 的 exercise (entertainment). Seriously, all of our skills WORSENED. From our glorious record of 200-300 pts to a mere 150 pts. Terrible!! All our hands were shaking after 1 to 2 games. Thats..not good.....

Anyway, the nice thing that I've mentioned is: Springing a birthday surprise for Jeremy. They were eating in ViLaGe and our 'mission' was to deliver a cake to him. With a lit cake on our hands (er..i think on Celes hands) and a birthday song, Jeremy's face turned red upon seeing and hearing it. Cools~~ Its always interesting to see the reaction of the birthday star.

Went off to White Tangerine @ Kovan to chill....yea...its quite chill in there. Cold sia~~Played 跳棋 first time in my 19 plus years of life. Quite interesting~

Hence, Sat was a long day for me, kinda zzz. But i cant sleep long hours at night, cuz i got another interesting activity next morning.

On sunday, 起了一个大早 to make myself look presentable. YAWN. 是累的咯。
Me and Hongda waited for some time because we were early. Waited outside Settlers for the rest to appear. Recording is actually quite cool!! A new experience. For the video, we got to play game, since its in settlers.

This is a Highly Interllectual that involves PHYSICS rules. Moment and couple.

Moment - The moment of a force F about an axis is given by the product and the perpendicular distance r of F from the axis. Formula: F x r

Couple - A pair of equal and oppositely directed parallel forces whose line of actiin do not coincide. Formula: F x d

As u can see, the board is being balanced on a rod and a ball (which is hidden), and we got to remove the blocks in alternate colours and got to prevent the board from losing balance and fall off. Luckily i only got to remove 1 block. The rest is up to Yahui. We only got to do 表情. Quite funny.

Took this pic when she is preparing for a self interview. As she was being interviewed, we were there as a back drop, and i was being known as the '穿 purple colour 衣服的'。

After everything ended, we played some games. We played the what ' first hand' dunno what one. Its fun, and the best part is, me and Liling got a synced move, it wasnt planned. Left hand right hand left hand! Hilarious~

Met Maxi n Cher after that. Spent the afternoon in her house playing our usual game. Had a nice time catching up. That shld be our last time in the near future as both of them will be damn busy. Er...i will be busy too~~ But not as busy as them~

Monday: Monday blues. Its not that, I just wan some quietness around me. Noise irritates mi for today, and i wonder why.....Couldn't think of it. I only knew i dun wanna smile, i dun wanna talk. Thats all.
有些人,已经渐渐失去只为自己笑的'权利' 了,庆幸的是,我还拥有那份'权利'。不想笑,就不笑,我只为自己笑。我知道这还蛮自私的,没办法,死性不改。请原谅我的自私。I know this is poor PR skill and perhaps, atrociously low in EQ. However, if there is a need to put my PR skill into use, i will. If not, maybe not, unless my smile will save a person's day or give hope to one. But i seriously dont think it will.

8:04 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007

Ok... Im gonna start my rantings Again. This is Boring. I got practically NOTHING to do at night time. No work at the moment, u cant possibly SPOT mi studying now...that is just NOT me. Nothing to play, not even maple n O2 Jam, cuz its boring me out, when I got no 1 to play with. No show to watch currently. 该看的, 都看了, 不该看的,当然没看啦!!!!

Today's weather is.....whats the appropriate word? Temperamental? 早上冷到半条命,下午热的闷死人。想把我弄病?哈哈!!太逊了!!Sorry, think Im going mad from the crazy weather. 闷热的下午,真的让我辗转难眠。

Ah...this brings me to another topic. When i sleep in the afternoon, i tend to dream. The dream is like, is connected to my previous dreams. Its like, Im in a different dimension, I got a different set of memory, but my frens still remain the same. In my dream, my room is actually my room in my old house. I remember i got a laptop, that is put side by side with my tv. My home is my old house. My sch, which is also Chung Cheng, is situated in a different place. I also remember, there is a provision shop 2 or 3 blocks away from my house. All these are still vivid in my mind. Its as though embedded in my mind now, but it doesnt exist in this world. Does it happens to everyone? Does Everyone got their own dream dimension? Or is it only me?

OK...last point. Welcome passer by a.k.a Yihong~ Next time just intro urself. Haha, so that i wont need to guess so long.

12:33 AM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Another Boring-and-Picture free entry.

First lesson of Macroeconomics. 说了很多有的没的,就当她在唱歌咯....虽然真的不是很好听~但是,我宁愿她说这些有的没的,也不想她切入正题. 她有一种---威严,让人不敢说话的 magic. A good thing about her lecture, is that she release us early.

Went to Cine to watch Transformer, I must say, its a good show, though i cant differentiate the good robots and bad robots at times. I can onli differentiate them using colours. Watch it and u will know what Im talking about.

Before watching, we went to eat Sushi. Thats the first time i ate So Little sushi. No...Im not controlling my diet, Im controlling my MONEY.

手头紧,是这样的。没钱,也是这样的. 忍耐~~很快就会过了~

8:52 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

First Day of Sch. Got an Ang Moh lecturer, quite interesting, but always spot me talking....ZzZ. Hey I Dont talk that much lorz, its just that i talk at the wrong time. Nothing fascinating happened in school, only that the escalators are in used now.

After sch, went to find Cher n Celes, cuz Celes got 'Be A Star' preliminary round. She got in! The BEST thing is we got lucky, Huikiang's ticket got a prize in the lucky draw~~Cool!! 0193. Remember the number~ If the prize was more attractive~

Feeling soo hungry now...didnt have dinner today. FOOD!!! Ahhh...Unbearable, better go sleep. Got macro-econs class 8 hrs later. But econs...随便啦~~

1:19 AM