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Monday, January 22, 2007

很多人都喜欢活在自己的世界里。自己的世界,永远是最完美的。 要风得风,要雨得雨,生命...就像是,在温室里成长的一朵花,被呵护着,被灌溉着满满的爱。

不是每个人都能拥有这种幸福。活在自己的世界,对这些人来说,是一种奢侈。像问,拥有公主般的生活,谁不想要?可是, 偏偏,残酷的事实,冷漠的社会,把年幼的我们给唤醒了。


Ok...I cant think of anymore to continue. All i wan is to COMPLAIN!!
My brother went malaysia todae. He bought a Nike air dunk(i think so..got 1 golden tick) at $35 onli lorz...LOOk!! Its $35!!!! Cuz there got CNY sales~~~~$35 lehz...n that shoe is 美的咯!!!!! N N N...he get NOTHING 4 MI...MAKE MI DAMN JEALOUS. I oso wana go malaysia n FIND cheap goods!!!! But my parents will not allow...haiz................................................

9:36 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Feeling kinda sleepy..but im lazy to use the hairdryer to dry my hair...thus.........................................................................................
IM HERE!!! -.-' -.-"
Kinda long since my last post. Hmm..perhaps im busy?? NO la...juz too lazy to blog. Nothing to blog in particular, Juz ALOT of random thoughts flowing thru my brain. Too much...that i dunno whr to start blogging. So in the end...nah~~nothing to blog!!!

*After 5 mins*.....................................


Im getting heavier...shitz...-.-''''''
Thats terrible k...but im too lazy/tired to exercise, moreover, exercise alone is realli damn boring. I cant tahan that. N no 1 is living in tis vicinity. No 1 can pei mi or motivate mi. Hence, 我就越来越...........懒惰了.....因此...重了!!!
Another reason y am i getting heavier is...im splurging on FOOD!!SNACKS!! food snacks n more food n snacks~!! Well, basically, im a BIG eater...ya..every1 knows that. I cant control myself too. Hey hey...im splurging on food..it doesnt mean that im BINGE-ING on food kayz... I juz...juz haf an affection over japanese seaweeds. Thats all. Juz when im craving for it last evening..some1 in my house (i seriously dunno hu), took my seaweed that i left it in the fridge..n ate it!!! When im NOT at hm...humph!!~!~!~!~

1:06 AM
Sunday, January 14, 2007

IM SOO SOO SOOOO ADDICTED TO MAHJONG NOW!!!!! Oh Gosh!!! Can i play mahjong everyday?? I juz wanna spend my days playing mahjong~I wanna play 64 rounds!!! But i got to go sch...cant play EVERYDAY!!! Moreover...oso no 'kha' to play wif mi everyday...haiz...wait till every1 is free...I wan my mahjong!!!!

11:58 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007


以后,我不会再把事情说出来了,以免有后苦之忧. 我不得不相信,有人的地方,一定会把一盅简单的事复杂化。难道得了教训,还不会学聪明吗?

也许,这回事我最后一次把心事说出来,能解决最好,不能解决....至少我尝试了。那就让它这样吧...我也没办法。 始终,一个巴掌打不向。

12:10 AM
Friday, January 5, 2007

I love 大头芬的世界!!!!! So cute!!! I even go to the extent of reading the blog http://www.datoufen.blogspot.com/ and download the podcast. When did it start?
When i was working at Jagger, I was listening to Yes 93.3 fm. 刚好, it was broadcasting the 单元 "大头芬的世界". It realli tickles mi alot, i oso dunno y, but i know i was um-choying when i was listening. Aiya, cannot laugh out loud ma..people will think that im mad, laughing to myself.

A short intro to the 大头芬的世界. The main cast is of cuz, peifen. Its like her dairy. N she is reading her dairy out. Any1 bored and DUN MIND reading chinese words, can go her blog n see~

Now now, sch term has started. YAWN~~~~Waking up early is realli !@#!$#$@$%#$@#, ironically, i love morning class, cuz i will have my whole afternoon to myself. N IF im not working, i can even go out n SHOP. Thats an IF.

11:51 PM
Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Wads the occasion today? Hmmm...hari raya?? Haha...whatever la..its juz a HOLIDAY!!! Went to Sakura to have a buffet meal wif my relatives~ 吃得好饱哦!!! 真的好饱哦!!! Ate ALOT of salmon~~ Realli alot...多到...弄得我还蛮腻的. So for the nxt 1 mth or so..i dont think i will want to touch salmon anymore...Unless i crave for it again. The 招牌 dish in Sakura is oyster..raw 1...I didnt eat that~!~ It look nice la...but doesnt realli look edible to mi..It look so...erm..its difficult to describe..Bah~~I just prefer it to be cooked~Anyway, it was a nice meal~~满足!!!!

Cut my hair todae...Wahaha!! Finally!!! But it doesnt change much...Just thinner n fringe shorter. Im trying to save now~~So that i can do SUMTHING to my hair~~My boring hair!! But saving is 难得咯~!~But at least im TRYING!!

Sch is starting tml...back to morning shift...means i got to wake up early..damn early..means...i got to RE-ADJUST my body clock. Haiz..every 2 mths got to adjust.
So to every1 starting sch tml...erm..上学是好玩的...better than working. Cherish ur time in sch~

9:26 PM
Monday, January 1, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ITS A BRAND NEW YEAR..2007...Gosh...like wad jeremy said...we r turning 20 tis yr. But at least, i still got exactly 10 mths b4 i turn 20~ Still 'long' la~~So how did i spend my last day of 2006? ON MAHJONG TABLE!!! I got the first 胡 in 2007~!~

Were at maxi house playing mahjong wif jeremy n cher n of cuz...maxi..erm...we onli played 2 rounds...but it took us hours to play 2 rounds lorz!! We started at around...7 plus? After 1 round...we went to eat at tt punggol nasi lemak there...at..around 9 plus. I like the bak chor mee~ Eat liao den go back continue!!!! PLay so long..i onli can sae..my mahjong luck isnt wif mi~~~Keep losing..n keep discarding cards that pple wans...humph...i..sumhow..not very good at knowing what card pple wans lehz..说到底...就是没有 maxi n jeremy so li hai~~

But jeremy li hai oso no use lorz..He is the biggest loser~~N Maxilian Chan is the biggest winner...darn...heng nvr play money~haha~! She keep winning at the last few rounds lorz. N yesterday...she..play card very quiet lorz..silent killer sia...so unlike of her~~wahah~~

Enough of recalling what happened yesterday..so..WHEN IS THE NEXT SESSION!!!!!!

5:51 PM