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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Xmas!!! This Xmas is RATHER HIGH!!!! Im goin to get a sore throat...I think. Its juz sooo entertaining~~Esp the dance~~Its realli the ULTIMATE!~!~ N Meredith singing those wierd wierd songs~~Wahaha!!! She didnt want it..but well...she DID sing those~~ Drank a few glasses of alcohol...nice nice!!!! Onli Cher cannot drink...cuz she driving~!~She enjoyed her sparkling juice n ribena...I think...cuz she nvr 喝酒....oso can get very high...If she drank...i dunno how high can she get liao~!~

Xmas eve...er...went to watch the top 10 @ bugis lorz...hmmm...quite crowded...but luckily...we were at the 风水位...infront of the merchandise there...haha...at least no need to smell pple's backs. N got the angle..to see wads happening on the stage~~ The event was short. But since i got nothing to do...spending my time in the crowd seems 'nice' too~Went to eat..den went to town after tt...Town is...flooded wif pple!!!! Totally flooded!!! At night...we walked frm far east to PS...cuz lili wanted to play 投篮...but 偏偏...got some prob wif the circuit...cant play wif it. Went to eat pasta. No...I didnt eat..maxi wanted to eat. She is a pasta gal. Stayed in pastamania for quite a long time. Cuz jasmine n cher came too. Stayed in PS till 11 plus..den go hm. Its a good timing...cuz train...All NO PPLE 1~!~All the pple r squeezing in town~!~Hohoho!!!

23rd Dec...Got MC IDOL!!! We got 2nd for the grp category!!! Got a 礼蓝!!!! Any1 wanna guess wad is the prize??? U guess correctly..I gif u the prize!!! hahah~~Anyways...photos taken on that day.....
Normal shot of the 兔崽子

疯掉了!! Act cool 的兔崽子...our name so cool..ofd cuz got to 摆 cool pose rite? Us n Jarrod...Thanx 4 the photos
Peter 老师 n us...N..thanx YS 4 the pics too!!! Grp Cat 冠军 n 亚军 n jasper..Still got some others. Lazy to post it here. Haha~ But afterall...It was a good experience.

12:48 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Todae...im a manual labour!!!!!! Did stock checking...open stocks...put tgt in styles...my back r aching!!! But cuz there r shorthanded...so..bo bian~Its another experience la.. its good to take in more exp ma..den can lvl up.....-.-'' -.-'' -.-'' I rather work in front of the com. More comfortable...got aircon, got chair..got msn...haha~ Ok...im spoilt....*bleh*

最近,想通了很多事,开心了很多. Im that kind that, no matter how much u 劝 mi, i oso wont listen 1...but, i need to know every single thing..den i can actually slowly picture it out. N most imptly, i need to 经历过...才会真正了解为什么, 才能慢慢想通. 虽然还有一些事情未能明白,但是至少我比之前快乐~

12:47 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Long time since my last post...erm..acutally not tt long la..its juz that. I dunno wad to write about. Todae im here...to announce that ................I PASSED MY EXAMINATION!!!!! B for econs, C for OB and B for BS. I thought that i will flunk my OB. That teacher keep brainwashing us that, if write less than how many pages..nvr gif examples will have a low possibility of passing. I think he is juz trying to scare us la. Haha~ NVM. Im glad that i passed. I can juz throw OB away. WAhAHA!!

Other den passing my exams, wad did i do these few weeks? Did i sae i found a job? Ok...i found a job..part time onli...in Bishan. The best part of the work is...I got the access to the internet..haha~~can use MSN~So i wont be so bored. So peeps!! Entertain mi when u see mi online in the afternoon~~

Went to Maxi de recording on mon...hmmmm...Magde is NOT Controllable!!!! She damn high even b4 Maxi comes out!!! HAHAHA...poor eugene...he suay suay sat beside her~~WAhahaha~Think that will be his 1st time sitting beside her n perhaps..the last time. Scared of her sia~~Muahaha~N about her performance...hmmm...i dunno wad to sae la...need to sae 1 oso tell her liao. So no pt putting down here lorz~

Another 'interersting' incident...last tues, i went to the polyclinic wif lili to let the doc take a look at my wrist, wanna gat an x-ray oso. But then in the end, didnt. The story goes like tis:
One fine afternoon, after a mac meal, we strolled into the tamp polyclinic. The queue..wasnt TT long, but still..was long. Finally, I was able to step into the room. The doc juz feel feel my wrist...sae its wad...sint or wad 1..i dunno wads tt la..but lili know ma...in layman terms, its juz an xtra piece of flesh or wad -.-" Wad sia...xtra peice of flesh...will pain 1 mehz? Den ask can xray not..she sae dun haf the need. N she prescribed some painkiller for mi...another dotz...painkiller is 治标不治本 1 lehz..i go see doc..cuz i wanna cure it..not to make it NOT SO PAIN. In the end..i didnt take tt painkiller, juz paid $8 den go off. Waste my $8 oso la..go in let mi know that its an xtra piece of flesh. Thanx so much~~

Any other 'interesting' thing happened??Hmmm..i dun think so~

12:17 AM
Friday, December 1, 2006

Finished exams~~Yeah!!!! But seriously, I didnt realli study hard for this sem. I juz hope to pass..no need to take sub paper 就好了. Abit of 没志气 rite? But cuz nvr realli study for it ma..dont expect too much lorz..所谓的..希望越高,失望就会越大. So, 不要有期望, 就不会抱着希望,就不会失望 lorz~ So these few days, other den staying at hm, i will be in sch~ N i found tis in sch~~I think its rather cool~~

酷吧~~~ Still got other kind lorz...got the big big 1~~Den got alot of legs de~~Haha~~ But i didnt take tt pic, cuz i saw some gals taking pic of it too~~Think the purpose of it is " Stay competitive in order to stay in the coporate world" I juz find it amusing~~ Dun u think so??

Another interestin matter happened last nite. Around 1.15am lidat...Our house...Got blackout!!! It not onli affcted us, some units were affected too. At that time, onli my dad is slping, haha~~the rest of us were juz 'starting to feel active'. My room, dun haf any torch lite or wad lorz...i onli got candles~~*wahaha* So i lit the candle, put in the living room n i went out to the coridoor. The coridoor still got lite, onli the units dun haf light. We were quite lost wad to do. After a while the electric man came, but after tt he go OFF~~~ N didnt appear until about half an hr later!!! we tot he 跑路 lorz~~~wahaha~~

So while waiting, mi, my 2 brothers n mum was standing at the coridoor there...the air ventilation is better den our hse. Den we started to talk n crap~~Haha~~Told u...Our family members are active at nite. In the morning, u will nvr find us so active 1~~All slping~~

Anyway, the repair man came back at 2 lidat.. N by 2.15am, 没事了~~Got my electricity back~~Got my aircon back!!!Wahaha!! But that blackout, 害我 cannot study for tt 1 hr~!~
Haha~~doesnt matter la~~

So so so, now..exams over, n...i got NOTHING to do for these few days. Perhaps i shld pack my room, its always in a mess during exam period. Luckily i found a job b4 my sch ends, at least, i wont be soo free and wasting my time.

11:59 PM