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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Been Coping at hm for the past 2 days. Poor thing rite???? Haha~~I oso think so...but no choice.......Got EXAM LORZ!!! N that OB...its not easy UNDERSTANDABLE 1 lorz!!!! The lecture notes is all in point form. IN POINT FORM LORZ!!! HOW TO WRITE IT INTO ESSAY? N because of that....i haf to cope at hm n study....

Spent 2 days study the same subject lorz...Still cannot finish~~ So whr am I here? Errrr...Cuz now watching tv..got abit of time to blog lorz. I cant realli concentrate on my studies la...Got so many things cramp in my tiny weeny brain. Keep thinking of it. But thinking of it doesnt help...but cant help thinking of it. Haiz..Juz hope i can pass lorz...

Anyway, todae Jasmine from IRAS called. Ask mi wanna go back work not...Haha~But i found a new job liao..cannot go back work. But frankly speaking, working there...is quite fun~~Cuz the rest of the temp staffs there are the same age 1 lorz...Its realli fun~~But tts in the past le la. Now its very quiet over there.

Anyways...tml is my first paper. I juz hope i dun flunk~~

10:13 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Project Superstar 2 ; F3 Maxilian (22 Nov 06)

Ohh~~~ I found tis!!! Haha~~I think its nice~~So i put it here~~ No la..cuz She is my fren ma~~Wahaha~

10:41 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Juz watched the 1st episode of <花样少年少女>. Juz 1 episode, and its enough to hook mi up!! So nice la~~~For those who got no clue about the show, I will show u the pic first~~
吴尊 very 帅 lorz~~ N Ella 超可爱的!!!
I dunno much of the story la, but i know, it originated from a Jap comic〈偷偷爱着你〉. I read that comic yrs ago, so cant realli remember the details. Its juz about Ella(瑞希) 女扮男装 and went to enroll into a Boys school so that she can 接近 吴尊 (佐野泉). But the 2nd day, 泉 found out that 瑞希 is a gal. Haha~~ Interesting rite??? Oh man....I wan more!!!! Cannot wait till the nxt epi to be up!!!

Oh!! The song oso very nice!!! Its sang by S.H.E ---- 怎么办. Its a very...i think la..its a cute song lorz~~N its nice too!!!! Go n watch the MV too!!! Its realli cute la~~ OMG man~~If i ever know how to upload a song into my blog....im hopeless wif it~~RAR~~

1:42 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

我的右手腕....真的好痛阿!!!!! Nvr had it so pain for the last 3 yrs. Tis is realli serious man...Cannot use my right hand to take heavy things. N even when im typing right now, its kinda hurting~~ There is nothing to do wif the bone, in fact, i think its the nerve that 在作祟 lorz. If it continues...i haf to go for X-ray...BUT!! I nvr go poly clinic b4 lorz..haha~~need pple to 陪我去~Hope there is nothing serious about it....no need to cut my hand up, no need to go physco..everytihng oso no neeed...But..its getting kinda loose la~~Loose until i oso scared lorz..tian ar~~I still wan my right hand de~~

Anyway..on the lighter note, I finally got a CAP!!!!! My first cap!!!! Haha~~I like it lorz~~Think its kinda nice~~But everytime i wore the cap, i will get abit of headache lehz..dunno y oso..maybe im not accustomed to it ba....So..juz haf to 慢慢习惯 lorz...

Oh ya~~my parents come back liao~~Yay!!!! They got buy things 4 mi~~Things like...facial prodcuts, belt and bracelet(s). Actually asked my mum to buy a bag 4 mi..in the end she got a bag tt i dun use..haiz..But nvm~~Cuz onli mi got things back frm china~~My brothers dun haf~~wahaha~~i shld be happy!!!

Lastly, IF there are any pple who happen to pass by my blog n u r reading it...dun stop..continue to read....PLS SUPPORT MAXILIAN CHAN IN THE PSS2~~~Vote for her!!!!! Keep a lookout for her~~She damn Cute~~

12:18 AM
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Parents not in Spore now...they went to China. So now the house left mi n my 2 brothers. Its so quiet in the house now. Every1 is in their respective rooms. I will be leading unhealthy lifestyle for these few days~~haha~cuz at least 1 meal will be an improper meal.

Went k-box wif lili todae, she's sick la...but den she still wanna come out. Sang both the duet song..haiz..im lousy la...cant even sing properly. At 4plus lidat..her condition worsen..she kept trembling. So we cut short our session n went to some open air space. But it didnt become better. I asked her to go home la..in case worsen again. Haiz..i shld haf strongly insisted that she stay at home. If i insisted n persisted, she will be resting at home lorz. Felt so bad juz now. Hopes she feels better now.

最近,我知道有好多人哭喔.....frenz around mi haf been shedding tears, including mi. Not becuz of mi la..juz for some other reasons and matters. I feel so 心痛 to see or knew that my frenz cried. Yet i cannot do anything. 我不擅长安慰或哄人开心,我能做的...只是默默的陪着他们..听听他们把不开心的事说出来..希望这样简单的 action, can make them feel better.如果连这一点都做不到...那..怎么还能称得上是朋友呢?

12:47 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006

Free from projects for tis sem!!! Congratz!!! *clap clap* But everytime we do proj..there will ALWAYS be freeriders n irresponsible pple!!! Last sem got the 2 china pple, tis sem got that guy---he is older den us, mind u!! Wad did he do~~ Haha~~i realli muz sae....

Firstly, he dun turn up for meetings..giving ALL sorts of excuses.
Secondly, even if he turned up, he do NOTHING!!!
Thirdly, he realli NVR contribute to our BS proj. He did ABIT for OB. ( its reali abit)
Fourth, he very 油腔滑调 lorz..not to mi la..to Shu Lyn..so sick lorz!!!!
Fifth, I juz think that he is irresponsible la...given his age. Cant he think?
Lastly, I cant think of it now...but confirm still got more to sae about him 1 lorz.

So...next sem, we r not goin to do projh wif him again. We are goin to find pple that can work. If not, in the end, its mi n shulyn that are goin to suffer.

My parents wiil be goin to 海南岛 tis wed. The purpose is to visit my ah gong 的 brother 的 children. I nvr went there before, erm...i oso dun feel like goin. HAHA~ tts not the pt. The pt is..todae..my parents n i went to NTUC to stock up food. Food like....instant noodles...cup noodles..more instant noodles..more cup noodles!!! Campbell soup(s), some chicken( those that juz need to boil 1)...n...i forget le~~ Haha~~we can realli dun need to step out of the house for that 6 days le~~Given the amount of rations we bought!!

But these 6 days...we got to split up chores to do. I dunno wad i will be doin la~~Maybe juz laundry. N cook my own meals lorz...i dun expect them to cook for mi..like they will lidat~~haha~

12:26 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Awwwwwwww~~~Juz finished watching that korean show <回家>. Thats my second time watching that show and........It made me cry AGAIN!!! Its realli touching lorz~ Those who were watching were ALL crying..EXCEPT HO LI LI..perhaps she wasnt realli concentrating on the show..well..i wasnt too.. BUT...i juz cried//couldnt control at all~~~ Every1 said that luckily the grandma nvr passed away at the ending..If not...i think i oso wont wanna watch another time, cuz i dun think i can take it. I've lost my loved one early tis yr. Watching a show that shows a granny died will refresh the pain i had been thru then. I think i will cry HARDER n LONGER.
To anyone that hasnt watched the show..i truely recommend it. But if u got a weak heart..erm..dun watch la~~

1:45 AM
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

YES!!!! I can finally type in chinese~~好高兴哦!!!
But every skin i change, there will surely be some prob. This blog..i dunno y..everytime my mouse move to the pics in the post...the pics will blink!! Vhy Vhy Vhy??? Wahaha~ why ar?
既然可以 blog in chinese...我应该....i oso dunno wad to do wif it~~But it will come in handy la~~

11:04 PM
Sunday, November 5, 2006

My cousin juz gave birth to a baby girl 2 wks ago~~ N i juz knew it. Didnt get to see her, but there will be a chance~

Went to Tampines Mall with my family todae. HAHA~~I juz love goin out with parents cuz.....I DUN HAF TO PAY~~But didnt get to buy many clothes~
Ate at Ding Tai Fung juz now..1st time eating there...hmmm...Took a few pics~~
Thats my brother and my parents. My younger brother is not here~~This is my mum~~ Its very nan de that she will take pic wor~

8:46 PM
Saturday, November 4, 2006

I got a new toy!!!! Tts my new toy~~ From Lili~~ Cute rite? Its a...bird? Or a chick? Haha..i duno lehz~~i onli know it comes our from an egg!! ( see below pic)
When u flip the egg from inside out, it will hatch into a pink bird/ chick~~~ SO CUTE!!! IM GOIN TO COLLECT THE NICE COLOUR 1~~~~

12:41 AM
Thursday, November 2, 2006

Super SIANZ! Juz finished the econs proj...i shld be feeling happy..but NO!!! I got 2 more projs to do. But that 2 proj..its not as xiong as the econs proj..cuz im not in charge. Nowadays i do everything oso sian...Y???? Juz sian lorz..got reasons..oso wont sae...onli 1 person knows about it. Wadeva.

This sem, or perhaps recently, i juz dun feel like goin to sch..I drag myself there..cuz...of proj..cuz of frenz..N cuz i got nothing to do at hm..Im not even concentrating in lectures. Shit manz..wad the hell is wrong with mi? Wadeva.

So many things r goin inside my mind......frm money.. to proj..to sch..n to pple..everything~ All these thoughts juz wouldnt stop. N i get irritated easily oso. Every slightlest thing can juz make mi lose my temper. I admit..my temper hasnt been good since i was young..but i think..im getting worse now. Wadeva.

12:49 AM