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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Got my new timetable..1 word..SUX!!!! Its realli sucky...all in the afternoon..WAD THE HELL MAN~Lidat...how the hell am i goin to work? Need to REPLAN N READJUST everything. Cant they juz stick to the old 1? Everything will be ALRITE. Den the time..its so neither here nor there. Before that cannot go anywhr...after tt oso cannot go anywhr. If i know hu draw out tis timetable..i will gif him/her my dirtiest stare + throw my shoe at him/her for coming up wif this shitty time.

This week...i think its not tt good. Y? Y? Y?....
1stly, my house here...got construction...den they 8am lidat start work....All the noisy piling or dunno wad la...lidat how to slp????IRRITATING LEHZ!!! Make mi cannot slp well..den cannot slp well i will think alot..think alot den got fan nao. SEE!!! Its the construction fault!!!

2ndly, I drank a drink that got a DEAD SMALL COCKROACH inside!!! That was like..OMG..im realli wan to cry out but...yu ku wu lei( cry without tears). IT sooooo damn disgusting ok. N the insect im most scared of it is cockroach lorz!! NVR PATRONISE PEARL CENTRE BK...perhaps..nvr go there again..u know...got the yangtze cinema (not sure the name) n the shows there are all R21 one..so..u know..there got quite a number of old colour wolves. Got 1 uncle keep looking at maxi when we waiting for the lift...Poke his eyes la...Nvr see b4 mei nu ar?

Lastly, went to maxi hse to rot..den later at night got to walk out on my own. So long nvr go her house liao...forget how to walk le lorz..dun even know turn right or left..summore its getting dark..SCARED LEHZ..den i got to walk thru the dark alley becuz i onli know they way. Scary lorz!!! N im alone...if i die there..no 1 will even notice lorz..*cry cry* I got to walk very very very fast to get out of the dark alley. Heng ar...nothing happen~~

My birthday is approaching..n yet..i got no plans or watsoever. Do i realli haf to plan? If need den do wad?Wad can we do? Even if i know wad to do...oso need pple ma..hu will they be?Alot of frens that were once close were not contacted. Hu r the ones close to mi now? How to make pple that dunno each other 1 come tgt?not possible lorz.. ALL these thoughts came flooding in my mind. I dunno how to answer them. How can i slp well with all these thoughts left unanswered? All these uncertainties make mi dun feel like celebrating...juz live the day as it is, not a day that holds a special meaning.

8:45 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006

2 posts in a day!!! Cuz i juz remembered that i forgot to sae tis. I watched the 2nd korean drama in my life. Goong- princess hour. Its nice~~I think its kinda different from the typical korean drama. Tis 1 is cute~~realli cute~~ N frm tis show, i've learnt sumthing...when u wanna eavdrop, might as well listen to the whole conversation rather den heard sumthing bad n walked off halfway, cuz u will nvr know wad the nxt line will be. Got dao li rite? Cuz listen halfway, will haf the effect of 'duan zhang qu yi', n misunderstandings will happen..n the chapter of the story will drag.

N now...im nervously waiting for the results in Mediacorp Studio...Tian ar!!! Think alot of pple outside the studio is gan jiong-ing oso lorz..dunno wad time i haf to wait till to publish tis post..cuz i wanna post the results oso~~haha..*wait for..20 mins*..haiz..cant wait..my bro wanna use the com!!!

10:58 PM

" Wad sia!!" think tt is the kou tou can of MC liao...dunno started by hu..but i heard quite a number of pple saying tt..haha~~even mi..-.-" No choice..we nothing to do will go there to sit around. N get infulenced by the lingo they used~
As usual..yesterday we went MC..Yahui went oso, cuz she finished her prelims liao. While we were sitting at the sofa there, Jeremy was showing his videos taken during his trip to malaysia. He was tempting Maxi wif all the yummy yummies they ate there. Keep tempting her..muahah~~
Den dinner time, we oso got entertainment, like jarrod imitating Coco n those old MVs de char..funny la~~its..realli...dinner time realli not suitable to watch..cuz the food will be wasted~haha~den after tt...tommy n cal sang 'wu yan de jie ju'...-.-"haha~~realli is entertaining.
After dinner, cal was cutting some paper using dunno wad cutter, den mi n tommy used the stripes of papers to fold stars~~lucky stars for maxi~

Todae..very gan jiong the results lehz..keep thinking about it.....

9:04 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tired sia~~~~~~~stand 4 almost 6 hrs....my waist is very 'sour'. My leg...not tt tired lehz..Dunno y. Den todae..dunno wad happen oso...got stomachache. Cant be due to nervous-ness ma...oso not i audition. N summore..my audtition tt time i oso dun haf stomachache. Anyway...everything proves to be worthwhile. Cuz maxi got in~ N...we may be on tv. -_-" But i hope not..but..realli...alot of camera on us lehz...cuz we make the most n loudest noise when she is on the stage..haha...before she go on stage...got camera stand-by there liao..happening sia. Den when she got in...more camera were on us...or rather...on Cherene...she is the highest there sia~hahaha~Im juz at her side...screaming..shouting...cheering..whistling...swaying..haha~~multi tasking lorz~ N i oso very glad that the guys...all quite pei he...so nice~~

Went back to MC after tt...its realli tired n hungry lorz...cuz i eat little bit of breakfast n lunch( 1/4 chocolate provided by celes..haf to credit her..haha). Den we juz sat at the sofa..didnt move much..cuz as i've said..im TIRED!!! haha~Den we ordered our food...took ages to come...so sit there...n listen to pple talk..talk a little bit..haha...dunno y..i think MC pple r quite high...haha~alot of gao xiao de tian fen. HAHA~

Maxi..in MC..like so stress or tired or drain lorz...very quiet. She is like thinking..den xiang bu tong tt kind..i realli wan to help..but i dun think im of any help at tt pt lorz..maybe she need to sort out her thoughts herself.

To sae truthfully, i realli do hope/want to see her proceed to another round, but on the other hand, everyday see her so stress den cannot concentrate on studies, cannot eat well, i see le oso..haiz..its realli...bu ren xing lorz..N if she were to proceed..her stress will be more n more..den like JC lidat..sick ar..gastric ar..everything oso come out. Tts wad i dun wanna see. BUT but but..seeing her able to sing on stage..is wad i wanna see wor. Haiz..human..so complicating..N as to how to balance all these..i dunno wad i can do..except to support. However..the main thing n its the most impt thing...is realli kao herself liao..If there is anything i can do..i will lorz..haha~realli.

10:49 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006

Some pple juz dun understand y pple, esp teens, will use sharp objects n cut their arms. I can tell u now i understand why they do it. Cuz i realli got the urge to do it. But i know i wont.

Im not an attention seeker, but if i realli think that doin tt will make more pple gif mi some attention, i will do it impulsively. i say impulsiviely means i reached a stage where i cant think clearly. I can sae i wont do it now, but i cant garantee 4 the future.

"Say it out"..pple always sae...i used to believe it..but now, im juz losing the belief. Its more xin ku to bottle everything up..yes i know, but if saying out dun help, keeping everything to myself will be better. N saying it out, there is a possibility that i will hurt some1 in the process, i rather the 1 hurt is mi. Juz mi.

12:39 AM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

TT MSN..GIF MI SO MUCH TROUBLE TODAE!!!!! CANT SIGN IN..DEN KEEP STATING TT ITS MY CONNECTION GOT PROBLEM...WAD THE...MING MING JIU SHI THE MSN GOT PROB LORZ. Until 11 plus den i managed to sign in..after cher gave mi the manual 'prescription'
to fix it.

Den i wonder, why do i want to sign into MSN so desperately? A form of reliance? Sercurity? Or juz a habit tt cant be kicked? Actually i oso dunno. Y ar? Its not tt i want to talk to pple desperately, n for ur information, no 1 talks to mi in msn. Unless got sumthing to discuss or wad. Except for Xuhao..he always come n talk cock to mi..n onli he come n talk cock to mi.The rest..erm..nope...or rarely. I oso wont go n talk to pple..unless i got things to ask or clarify.

However, i got over 150 contacts in my list..n i seriously think...more den 140 are juz 4 show. It juz to like..see...oo...i know hu r u...u oso know hu am i..n tts it. End of story.

SOOOO...wad do i still wanna log into MSN? To see hu is online n hu is not? Wads the purpose? I realli dunno..Maybe tt is to let mi see how distant i am wif the others. Or perhaps...the majority of them dun even know tt pessimistic mankind is actually mi. A fren tt they once knew..but was gradually forgotten...

12:24 AM
Saturday, September 9, 2006

Damned tired ar...yesterday went Celes house to stay over..she help mi alot alot..like make hair make face make leg make outfit...like all she do de hor..hmmm...realli is thank her lot lotz!!!!XIE XIE NI!!N todae we queue 4...erm...7 till 2 plus 3? By the time we reach there....in front alreeady got alot of pple liao...if we come any later...we will have to bask in the sun like dunno how many more hrs. Todae considered ok alreadyt. Not much of the sun.

We nvr wear the attire that we wanted to wear when queuing..in case we dirtied the clothes. BUT den...the consequences is...we have to rush to put the make up n the clothes in the public toilet where it is dirty n crowded..haha chiong ar~

I got 'separated' frm them, so i was sitting alone when we were waiting to go in. Bored..zzz. It was quite fast. Ya...n the gal b4 mi got in~congratz~haha..n i didnt get in..n the judges didnt sae anything oso lorz..no comments..nothing...juz ask mi to see the light when i finished..everything took...erm..less den 2 mins? So fast lorz.

After every1 finished..onli Veron n Maxi got in. The first few Mc pple that got in!!! HAPPY~Den that Maxi go tt SK n do her..erm..photo shoot? Video shoot? Wif Quan Yifeng. She looked fierce...think she very tired oso..haha~she make us dun dare to step into SK. But the aircon there is sooo alluring~~n maxi inside ma..so...we..juz stepped in~~I realli dunno wad she shooting inside..maybe nxt time can dai yan~muahaha~den i will haf SK things liao~heeheehee

Erm...if u ever read this:
Maxi..still got to sae gong xi to u...*hugz*...i know..u got to continue tis stardom journey alone..will get stressed...scared..but bu pa bu pa~~~still got us behind ma...at least...still got mi behind u support u ma..mentally...physically..but finanacially...erm..can la~~support u jiu dui le~~jiayou jiayou jiayou~
Since in JC u ALWAYS sae u wanna be a superstar..grab tis chance lorz...not easy to come by u know..i think la..stress is..sure haf de..but dun becuz of stress den gif up. Lidat realli lang fei leh. U got what it takes lorz..I believe in u de worz~Realli la...i not sae all tis to.. an wei u or por u de lorz..I dun need to wad. Right?Haha~N i think i told u b4 tt. N N N..dun think i sae that to stress u lorz..nono...dun wu hui.
Maybe u will sae..i think till too far le..but den..dun think so short oso ma..later lidat more stressed..cuz u didnt think bout the long run. Econs student shld know lorz~muahah~-.-'''
Lastly, u got anything bu kai xin 1...stress 1...can come find mi lorz..nono...is yao come n find mi!!!!Dun always i ask u ma..talk to mi first ma..haha~dun always look at mi n i look at u...hahah~~Ni kan wo wo kan ni..Also dun learn frm mi n keep to urself lor...its xin ku de k...
Ya..so..erm...jiayou jiayou..bu pa bu pa n..dun stress n..maybe........eat less..but DUN bu yao chi!!! U cannot bu yao chi..u cant take it.
N..tis post to u shld be quite private la..cuz tis seems to be a private blog~hahah~
N sunday...i go there n scream 4 u..haha~

Love Always-------MI LA!!!*muackzz*

8:07 PM
Tuesday, September 5, 2006

This week...should be quite fulfilling ..cuz like got alot of things to be done. Like shopping for clothes ar..look for jobs ar..sing ar...think ar..haha~so fun rite..

Went City Plaza todae..its been ages since i stepped in. The last time i went there was..Sec sch days..when we went there n eat the Arnold's Chicken n..the ban bian Sophia recommended. That was like...long long ago..long long ago...
Ya...so go there n shop for clothes...didnt know there got sell nice clothes de lorz..haha~last time onli go eat..so didnt bother too much. The clothes there...realli is...alot lorz..so many till i see my eyes tired. That is realli yan hua liao luan.

After that...we went Parkway..cuz maxi de family goin there...so shun bian go n see see...ya..we realli went there to see see onli...nothing to buy..except food~

Watched Live Story @ Channel 5 todae..my Uncle was starring in it!! HAHAH~~ Live story is suppose to be sumthing NOT funny...but..we laughed while watching the show...becuz..my uncle..haha..he...erm..onli got 1 expression onli..haha..see le can laugh lorz..realli...we watch until....we "no eyes to watch"(canto translation).

11:17 PM
Friday, September 1, 2006

New skin!! HAHAHA!!!! cuz i find tt skin i made...guai guai 1..so..tadah...a new 1..'kope' frm blogskin..i wanna make my own de..but den...photoshop..bo..den all these html codes...buay hiao. So..bo bian..but anyway...i quite like tis skin...dark dark 1..actually got 1..its more goth...but den..not relevant..so nvr use.

Oh ya...juz now my uncle..called..den he asked...nxt sat need them to go down support notz...i was like..-.-''' realli..haha~~but..appreciate them for the xin lorz~haha..no need oso ma...closed door..haha~

Tml...is my last paper..i haven study yet..hah~but shld be ok de...like letter writing lidat...format dun write wrong shld be ok de la~

Also...tml oso the last klass for the PSS...is the review of the video taken yesterday.Haha~ peter lao shi sae i talk tt time very zhuai..haha~~not purposely de ma...cuz i know him ma..den can anyhow anyhow..but think on tt day...i wont lorz..haha..i might..i may...become very serious if they asked mi qns. HAiz..who ask mi born wif a black face...no choice~haha~

10:48 PM