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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Passed up the POM proj todae!!! YEAH!!!! 1 DOWN~~ Left 2 more...sianz...n most importantly, got OP on tues....1st group summore..Deorine said its horrible...100 plus pple staring at u~~OMG manz..

N the best thing is...we haven started on our OP yet...isnt it cool? -_-'''
Not that we dun wanna start...we r sort of 'understaffed'. Get it? I wonder nxt sem how r we goin to group again..

These few nights cant slp early..cuz of the proj..haf to rush rush n rush. Shu Lyn so poor thing lorz..rush till 3am. I do till i go groggy. The rest of the members? Shant sae..But well, its obvious. Todae she got a silent eruption lorz...xia dao wo lorz..den i muz treat it nothing happen n continue to talk to team mates..haha~muz pei he ma..

So todae, instead of goin hm n slp, we went to Bugis n shop( i did window shopping). I long time nvr go there already...didnt know Bugis village changed soooo much~~~ It looked like taiwan tt wu fen pu...except the pavement is more narrow here( cuz its not meant 4 vehicles). I saw alot of clothes i like...but i cant buy...its like...i can onli see...n its nvr mine~~ Once i got money...i will drag sum1 wif mi n start shopping!!!!

Tml n sat no need to go sch..but its not rest 4 us~~Got to do op...den sat meet again...i got a bad feeling...sat...maybe volcano will erupt..not mine la..i hope. So sat meet...we got to find sumwhr cooling...if not..realli very fast will erupt 1~~hahah

9:59 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Recently, i kept thinking of wad Yahui asked me when we were out in marina sq on the new year eve. At that time, i did express my concern and said there may be a possibility, but I hope it wont happen. Not now, not in the future. I cant control wad is goin to happen in the future, what i can do now is to 'control' my present. But if it wasnt meant to be, i juz gt to let it be. Everything changes with time.

12:03 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006

Libra Zodiac Sign

ruled by Venus

The goal for Libra is to witness to the importance of co-operation and harmony in human life. Libra is represented by a pair of scales - the only sign to be represented by an inanimate object. This says something about the Libra objective - to be fair and balanced in everything in a detached way - it is an air sign and therefore seeks an ideal. At its best, Libra can view complex situations, maybe emotionally highly charged ones, and come to a balanced view based on a fair consideration of all the options. However, it may take a while to come off the fence! Come down in favour of one side of the scales and the other side goes up, and Libra always seeks to restore balance. -taken from singles-space.com

I was thinking, izzit becuz im a libra, tts y i hate unfairness tt is happening to mi. For eg, juz because im a gal, i need to fold clothes when im at home, while my brothers can sit there n do nothing; I will get freaking upset when im scolded for nothing or being misunderstood, cuz its juz NOT FAIR ; I dunno why China got tis 'zhong nan qing nu' de 'policy' . In our ancestral book, i cant find my name in it..onli my 2 brothers names r recorded inside. I will feel upset when i..actually treat other pple well...n i dun get the same back in return. But now, i come to understand that in realilty, A will not be = to A. It will be A = B+C-D. Come to think of it..wad is realli fairness? Does it realli exist in the world? I seriously dun think so.

Perhaps, if i wasnt a Libra, i will not be upset by these things. These unnecessary stuffs. How i wish i wasnt.

1:06 AM
Saturday, July 15, 2006

I tried using chinese to blog, but the words cant be decoded. So i got to abolish the thought. I wanted to use chinese to write becuz i think its better to express in chinese den in english.

9:50 PM
Saturday, July 8, 2006

First week of school has passed. Its..OK la..haha~3 hrs of lecture per day. In between got tea break. The lecturers r fine. At least they didnt manage to make mi slp, unlike those days in SR, the lecturers always didnt manage to keep mi awake. Anyway, the lectures r oso not dry..not as boring as physics n maths. N pple r more participative...of cuz..im not 1 of them. As i've said, sch is fine, but need to go sch on sat juz irritate mi.

Did i mention bout the subjects im taking tis semester? Nvm...i dun remember, i will juz sae again. Im now studying principle of accounting, business communication n principle of management. Both BC n POM got projects to do. N the dateline is..not a few months..its at most 1 month plus. Moreover, i hate doin projects since secodary sch days. BC project still need us to do oral presentation. The thought of it juz scares mi. Talking in front of the klass tt consists of over 100 pple lehz..obviously i will freak out la~

N tt SIM dunno y..insists on having project grps consisting of a mix of international students n locals students. Initially, my grp got 5 locals..den we were forced to split up. So now our grp got 2 china students n 3 locals. N its a 4 gals n 1 guy grp. Luckily we were allowed to form our own grp. I dunno wad will happen to mi if they arranged the grp 4 us n i know none of the pple. At least now..got shu lyn n erica in the grp. Its s0 much better.

So till now, i saw quite a number of familiar pple in SIM. Got colleague, Sr pple, CCHSM pple. N there will be more to come. Sad to sae tt Huifen oso coming to SIM..she cabt get into the uni..haiz..if she come..i muz let her see Shu Lyn..cuz Wanying n mi think tt they look alike. Tall tall 1...hairstyle oso sama sama. Pattern oso lidat 1..haha~

Im facing 1 problem now..im currently jobless. Haf to tender resignation form to iras. Cuz of my timetable. Den now, i need to find job. If not, I will haf to discontinue my lesson in MC, which is wad i dun wanna do. I like it there. Pple ask mi to teach tuition, but i dun wan lehz..its like..their future is in my hands. Too heavy a responsibility. N i got to ensure results too. So now, im keep ing on a look out of any part time job. N there is a 矛盾 here..i dun wanna affect the rate of my project. So should or should i not?

10:23 PM