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Monday, February 27, 2006

OoOoOo~~another entry after a looong break~ Haha~~ I got the reason to blog...cuz..I CHANGED JOB!!! Im now a clerical officer, tts in a new term, put it plainly, im juz a TEMP phone listener. So, my job scope is to pick up call n listen to wad they wan n Assit them to get wad they wan. N, todae, is my first day starting work officially even though i started tis current work last last thurs. Y?? Cuz we need to undergo training ma...no training...how to handle the taxpayers tt called in??? RITE?? Even got training...todae we all oso very messy.. almost everything oso need to ask supervisor. Budden, cannot blame us ma...first day working ma.

Ok...todae...i handled 31 calls..minus 3 calls. 2 calls is cuz...i dun understand their accent so no choice...cant help them. I cant possibly anyhow anyhow advise them rite? So i asked 2 of my colleagues to help mi handle. Haha~ n the other 1...tt taxpayer, wanted to talked to the supervisor. -_-". N n n.....got some taxpayer ask for our names...so scared lorz..later they complain us to the higher authority..not tt my attitude is bad...my ATTITUDE is ALWAYS good...towards others..haha~~Ya...scared they complian us...if we gif them wrong info. But 4 mi...its quite diff...cuz most of my calls r general enquiry n request for forms onli...haha~~ Im juz so lucky. Lucky mi..hope throughout my working days...i can receive these kind of calls~~den i no need to stress le~~MUAHAHAHA~~

OH YA~last thing...we getting results tis wed..hmm... aiya...no special feeling now la...dun tihnk can do well oso...get le den see whr i can go lorz. Ya..tts wad i think.

7:57 PM