Thursday, September 22, 2005
Yeah~!!! Today is my last paper...Im soo happy~~~~WOOT!! But den after the paprt...i wanna rush home de...cuz need to orchard at round 12 lidat..but den...Mrs Lim nag 4 round 15 mins lidat...den need to collect wad worksheet....grrr...made mi left sch at round 9.40 lidat. I tot the bus will go faster cuz there will be less traffic...I WAS WRONG~~~the bus was slow..den i reached home at about 10.40. Bathed, choose clothes, make up...everything in round 45 mins. Left home at approximately 11.10. Haha~i think i very li hai lorz~Watched the korean show ' A Bittersweet Life'. Its M18..n its bloody....real bloody. Maxi go there listen mp3 n sleep...interesting rite?cuz she dun dare to watch...HAHAHA~~Im quite amazed..cuz normally pple dun dare to watch horror n ghost movies....but not violence show...she is the first 1 tt i knew.After the show, met celes n we went to the foodcourt to eat. Den after tt..walked aimlessly in town...went to paragon to look look...den we saw......MR LOW~~ahhh~~but den we nvr hide la....he oso nvr see us..Heng ar...Haha~den continue to anyhow walk..walk walk walk....all the way to near paradiz centre there..Celestine working there. But den i cant stay long..Magde wanna sleep..hence..we..together wif Maxi n Cherene went home.On the way to Dhoby Ghuat, I told Maxi bout my dream last nite. Its very kua zhang la...but den...i think somehow the details juz come frm wad i feel lorz. i think dreams can be catagorized into many category. Dreams can be: things tt u yearn to happen, things tt u keep thinking of it, things u fear tt would happen in reality, things tt happen to u but being potray in a far fetched manner n things tt will nvr happen in real life but brings out how u feel. This is wad i think la.Another thing tt i wanna bring out is..Tampines central realli got alot of surveyors lorz....everytime i step out of the MRT station...there will surely be surveyors de lorz...den asked to do the survey..haha~so suay people..if u walked past tampines..see if u r lucky or suay to tio the survey~
Saturday, September 17, 2005
1st week of prelims is finally over..Im so so so dead. Mentally dead after every paper, dunno kills how many millions of brain cells. So tiring. But think so hard oso no use...cuz..i CANT do the papers..think all prelims paper r out to kill..tis is no exception. For this prelim, i onli aimed to pass..cuz i nvr pass my tests..its not high 4 an expectation rite?? But after those papers..i dun think i can achieve wad i expected. So after the atrociously done maths paper 2 yesterday, mi n maxi went to unwind ourselves. She got totally MAD inside...jumping around n singing loudly like nobody business..HaHaHa..if any guy were to see her in tt state...they will be frightened off..Hmm..i think all the k-box staffs know wad she did inside..HAHAHA~~ but well...we were indeed less stress. N dunno y yesterday so good....sing till 3pm they oso nvr come in chase us off..we went off ourselves, cuz we went to her hse to watch ' Er Mo Zai Shen Bian' starred by Rainie Yang n Mike He. Maxi is totally mersmerized by them...erm...more to Mike He.
She got mi hooked on tt show...the show..the acting sumtimes is quite ' kua zhang' but den.....its still very nice~~ haiz.... but i cant watch it now...cuz i can onli watch it in her com...If my com is in perfect condition n if its MY com, i will surely dl it 1. shh....muz make it discreetly..Anyway..3 more papers n im done wif the prelims..left phy paper 3, econs paper 1 & 2 n phy paper 5...n Im FREE.....4 a few days....cuz a few more another horrible nitemare..A levels n after tt.... Im free........for maybe 4 months..before our results r out. Haiz...tis is like nvr ending..cuz after takin results..we haf to worry about whr can i go..n wad course to take..n EVERYTHING. Okok.....dun think so much now...juz think of wad we haf in front of our eyes...n that is...prelims n a levels.
Friday, September 9, 2005
Why izzit tt sumtimes its so difficult to speak out wad i wanna sae to a person? Why izzit that the thought will always flow inside mi furiously but it juz refuse to flow out of mi? Sometimes when i wanna talk bout a problem..i always hold my tongue. Its not tt i got nothing to sae..its juz tt i dunno how to put it across nicely n i dun wanna start an argument which is not good 4 both parties. The only way to let it out of my chest is to tell a 3rd party about how i feel. This is y sumtimes, they know more bout how i feel den whom i regard as the closest fren becuz often, my mood r affected by them.For example: Trade between countries, if country A onli trade wif country B, n country B has economy problem, country A will be adversely affected. But if country A trade wif many countries B C D.. the effect on country A will not be as serious as the former.I know using this example to portray wad i wanna sae maybe far fetched to some pple, but...the idea is sumwhr there. Do pple get it? Or its onli mi hu got tis kinda feeling?Another once, magde ask mi y am i so 'shui he'. To mi..tis definition of 'shui he' is called not able to decide. I haf to sae tis..the reason i dun decide is..i dun wanna my decision to affect other pple. I rather follow their decisions least..i didnt affect them wif wad i decide and if i dun stand to lose out badly, i dun see the reason y not.Give another eg: If 2 pple wanna go out to shop, but both haf in mind whr they wanna go but do not wanna compromise on the location..its difficult to go out...dun u think so? The solution to this wil be 1st: Dun go out (which i think is rather dumb) 2nd: One haf to compromise or if better, both compromise. Wouldnt it be better?But if onli 1 took the step back ALWAYS, tis will lead to another problem..1 will take it 4 granted.Think the biggest problem of human is human itself.
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Been staying at home for..2 a relatively slow rate. Haiz..too slow..but i juz cant accelerate lehz...if too fast i dun understand oso no use rite?N these 2 days, i like eat alot n eat n eat like nobody business. Eat loads of seaweeds, potato chips, sweets, blah blah horrible manz. At this juncture, NORMAL pple shld be losing weight due to stress or wadeva. Instead, i think i will be gaining weight. Sharks man..A few more days to prelims..GOOD LUCK TO MI.