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Friday, June 24, 2005

Todae is the last fri of the holiday..time realli flies..its realli very fast lorz..haiz..dun feel like goin to sch..cuz i didnt realli study..kinda feel abit guilty. I think go back sch is ok..but den i dun wanna see mrs lim lehz..see her will kinda make mi feel stress..cuz dun understand maths den i oso abit scared of maths..dunno y oso. But den maths n physics dun haf tis kind of feeling lehz..y ar??hmm.. School's starting..think everyone will be quite different ba..cuz onli left with around 3 mths..pple will start to chiong ba..

Went to watch initial D again...i said again..cuz went to watch it yesterday..but den we abit of late..so miss a bit..as in realli a bit. i didnt know how much i missed and maxi wanna watch again n eat tt hogdog combo, so todae went to watch again, with cherene n magde. In the end, i den realised we yesterday onli missed about 1 to 2 mins..haha~but still...its NICE..i dun mind watching again..cuz jay chou n edison is so damn cool...very cool~

Tuition after movie n dinner at thai express at heartland mall. I ate alot...but tts not the point..the point is, todae we talked alot bout the past, as in our tong nian. This talk allow mi to reminisce wd i did before, the funny things, the absolutely-i-cannot- believed-the-things-i-did stuffs, interesting things n more. Quite fun..but den later i went home n think bout all these again..i thought of sumthing.

Will my life change drastically if i didnt get to know all the frenz i haf now? Wad will i be? Wad kind of life will i be living now? Wad will be my favourite pasttime?Will i be a totally different Xiying from wad im now?

Anyway..sch's starting..yupz..although is sian..but den...still muz jia you!! Frenz who happen to see this....yi qi jia you ba~!

11:54 PM
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Today is a mundane day..nothing exciting..nothing special..woke up at around 2?yup..2pm..cuz wake up early oso useless..wad can i do early in the morning?i woke up at 2 oso got notihng to do.

Did maths tutorial todae..er..onli managed to solve 1/2 a question..took mi so long juz to slove a minor question..think my maths quite rusty le..or rather..its nvr good?hmm..i tihnk is the latter.

Went to cut hair in the evening, the session was quite short..cuz i onli make it thinner..so it dosnt look any different den before. Think the amount of hair i cut is equivalent to the amount i haf on my head now..think the aunty can donate to the charity to help the cancer to make the dunno wad wig...if im not wrong..can make alot of wigs lo..reali..i dun lie..haha~

Todae got , i sumhow think they shldnt let the fate of the contestants lie in the hand of the community..since most of them dun haf the knowledge or maybe the professional views and maybe, some contestants may not perform well...but their large fan base will keep calling n calliing, tis will result in some good contestants forgoing their chances of getting nearer to their goal..which i sumhow think is not very fair. My opinion is..the judges decisions shld stand the largest part of the whole 'vote', since they got the experience n some even make singers become successful. Well, juz trust them!

Tml, shall be an exciting day..i hope. Cuz i will be watching !! Got so many shuai ges inside..so cool manx..cant wait any longer..since Silin went to went it todae. Cannot let her hao lian too long..haha~~

10:44 PM
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Todae went 4 conslutation wif may koh together wif yanli, it wasnt as bad as i thought..managed to learn sumthing..some essay skills. She sae i need to practise more n need to push myself..cuz its like left 3 more months..ya...LEFT 3 more months!! so fast ar?! Realli need to work sia...but den now...still holidaying lehz...wan study oso abit li bu chong xin. Anyway..the session wif may koh is quite alrite..she is quite different frm wad she is like in klass.. like easier to talk to. But i got 1 question tt set mi thinking 4 a while..y is O level n A level so different..i mean..last time our sch papers r forever harder den those in tys..but now..the tys qns i cant even ans lo..den suddenly become so hard..its juz a difference of 2 yrs yet the difference is so wide..y?
After tt, went to k box to look 4 maxi [is not tt she is in my life everyday...is juz tt whenever i go out..she is there..haha] and eat k lunch..ya..eat...not sing..cuz i went there juz to EAT n LISTEN to her sing. but anyway..i oso dun feel like singing. After tt session, we went to ps..on the way..maxi told mi sumthing..i shall not mention it..though i wasnt very suprised..but den i realli think tt somtimes, guys can be so bastardy tt gals r better off wif themselves..dun u think so..anyway..tts my own opinion.
Go ps oso like nothing to do..cuz i dun feel like playing arcade, pool n abit sian bout shopping, so anyhow walk walk..maxi sae i abit strange, cuz i everything oso dun wanna do. I oso dunno y lehz..juz abit sian about everything..i juz wanna roam around aimlessly.
Met cherene in orchard..cuz they wanna watch movie 'batman begins'. I cant watch..need to go home, so go eat with them le den go home. On the way home..i thought of alot of things...but den now..i forget wad i was thinking le...oppz..haha~

10:09 PM
Monday, June 13, 2005

Todae....is quite a special day....maybe not to mi...to ben...i think..cuz we went to 'ambush' him n suprise him wif a bdae cake and two presents at ps 7th level lift there..zixiang called him out to walk walk cuz ben sae he very sian tis few daes..n we made use of tis chance to suprise him..tis plan is thought by zixiang..and maybe wif joyce. So the suprise committee consist of joyce, christina, chun hong, magde, maxi n mi.
After the suprise, we went to eat in pasta mania...ate quite alot..very full after the meal. Went to arcade to play...first..maxi n ben go play ddr. I was wondering..after a filling meal, they stil can dance ar?appendits(or wadeva) not pain mehz?i tried b4...n is quite pain la...maybe is my body ba...cant take it..we oso play crazy datona..haha..todae den i realise tt the start button is the turbo button..well...learn sumthing new todae..YEAH!!!
Cuz maxi need to buy things 4 her performance, so we went off to shop 4 them...hmm..shop 4 duno how long den can find sumthing tt i dun label as 'aunty' stuffs. Den she went to get her clothes..not 4 performance, but 4 her carelessness..cuz she dirtied her white t-shirt while eating. She n magde sae 1 ebase top tt they like alot...well...is reali quite nice...but i see no point of buying it since they both got it.
Anyway...after the shopping is done its like already 5 plus...i shld go home by tt time but den i didnt, cuz i didnt wan to go home alone..so go monstercue look 4 chun hong..played 1 game before goin back...took cab home...tis is when sumthing bad happen...
My mum got very mad cuz she tot i will be home at 4 plus n she couldnt reach mi cuz my fone low batt. She made such a bloody big fuss which i think is nothing la..is not tt i DUN wanna go home k..is juz tt im abit late...summore wad can i do if i get home early?slp?n rot?y not juz let mi do sumthing happy? I juz DUN UNDERSTANd wad she wan la..y cant she let mi do sumthing tt i will ba happy?i oso not doin anything agains the law like smoking n stealing...i juz spend some time wif my frenz...is tt wrong? Sumtimes i realli feel tt im quite redundant at home..no 1 even care bout mi emotionally..so y bother where the hell im at? When i wanna go out...she always ask mi to pay 4 my own tuition fee since i got excess $$ to go out...summore she always sae wad the point of having tuition when im failing...HELLO!!I juz started the tuition k..y didnt she sae the same thing to my bro who failed his mid yr exam when he is onli in sec 3?wad is tt called?biased?or wad?or is money more importmant den mi?
I know these thought may seemed extreme or maybe is not true at all...but i cant help but feeling these. There were some nights where my tears juz dropped unknowingly when i thought of all these tt happened...now den i know tt the wound inflicted by the family can nvr be healed...

9:55 PM
Sunday, June 5, 2005

Wahahaha~~todae is such a fun day...although is not very special....its still fun~~haha~~4 the past few weeks..we like every sat oso go town walk walk....though there is nothing special there...we still go..cuz..i think there is like no other place to go le...so.....juz go there lo...
now is supposedly the 1st week of hols..but we still haf to go back to sch to study like normal sch day lidat...sad sia...wan to haf hol mood oso abit sian diao...wan study oso no mood...so contradictory..
ya...so todae...went to orchard...but my dearest fren was late...so i went to go shop alone 4 a while...firstly...i went to charles n keith....wah...when i got in...the place was jammed wif many many pple....mostly aunties...know y....bcuz there's great spore sales goin on...i didnt even wan to enter the shop at tt time..so after tt..went popular...go there waste abit of time...finally..theres nothing 4 mi to see already...so went to sit at the stairs to wait 4 maxi...but waiting 4 dunno how long...she called n ask mi go ps...so i went...yup...went to eat lunch at cafe cartel..haha~~quite filling..n after tt...maxi went to do her nails AGAIN..haha~~its like a weekly routine 4 her lidat....haha~~so when she is doin her nails...i sat beside her staring at the manicurist at how she was painting her nails..cuz i cant possibly juz go shopping in my own rite....i juz cant..ya...so after tt...go walk walk....after likr maybe 1/2 hr...magde came...we continued to shop b4 goin to look 4 the guys in arcade...hmm...when play arcade rite...i can sae is maxi sponsor mi totally worz...haha~~den we play...play quite alot sia...quite crazy too...haha~~
after playing...we went to orchard to meet bennett n **** **(well...dng shi ren wanna conceal his identity..)...haha~~magde was like so paiseh lo...den throughout the whole thing..maxi was like trying to cuo he them together...so funny lo...yupz...after tt...go eat swensens...haha~~todae all eat very ex de things...haha~~but nvm...tts not the point...the dinner....hmm..dunno how to sae....was quite enjoyable...cuz got jokes here n there....make the things less gan ga 4 them...i suppose..after the dinner which was quite filling...we went to play pool....there got so many pple lo....we haf to put our names on the waiting list..but heng ar...we no need to wait very long...shou dao play pool....mi long long time nvr play le....realli tui bu le....hmm...nvm..think tis hols we will be playing pool someday..i assume~~~
todae....though fun....but oso tired...yawnz~~haf to sleep now!!!haha~~

12:03 AM